A significant number of professionals including physicians, dentists, optometrists, pharmacists, accountants, veterinarians and other professions, choose to incorporate their practice through a professional corporation. Incorporating a professional corporation can bring significant advantages and our professional corporation lawyers have in-depth of knowledge of the requirements and procedures involved in the incorporation of a professional corporation. Our lawyers work closely with tax advisors and accountants to ensure the most appropriate corporate structure is established in order to achieve long term goals.
Incorporate Your Professional Practice
Siskinds' London-based professional corporation team can help you through the process of transitioning to an incorporated business. We offer a checklist of steps involved for incorporating a practice and will guide you through the entire process.
To begin the incorporation process, simply complete our standard intake form and return it to us.
- Physicians
- Dentists
- Accountants
- Veterinarians
- Lawyers
- Psychologists
- Engineers
Contact our professional corporation lawyers in London, Ontario today to set up a consultation.