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In Siskinds’ Business Essentials, a limited-run podcast series, Chris Sinal of Siskinds’ labour & employment group sits down with some of the firm’s business lawyers to discuss current issues and challenges facing our clients as they adapt to the new business environment resulting from COVID-19. Be sure to like and subscribe to the podcast by searching “Siskinds Business Essentials” on your favourite podcast platform.

In this episode, Chris talks with Elena Ashford from Siskinds’ immigration group about her practice, temporary foreign workers, labour market assessments, and how the government’s processing times have somehow managed to get even slower.

For an enhanced listening experience, search “Siskinds Business Essentials” in your preferred podcast platform of Apple, Spotify, Google, Stitcher or TuneIn.

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Privacy pulse: New Ontario OIPC guidance, privilege in data breach investigations and further developments in state privacy law

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