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If you’d like to speak to someone at Siskinds in one of the languages listed below, please contact the designated Siskinds person directly. You can find each person’s contact information on the page, Find a Lawyer.

Afrikanns: Graeme Sperryn
Arabic: Adnan Chahbar
​​​​​​​Arabic: Rasha El-Tawil
​​​​​​​Cantonese: Gigi Pao
Cantonese: Vivian Iron
Farsi: Sana Ebrahimi
French: James Boyd
​​​​​​​French: Mariana Peres
Hindi: Mahwash Khan
Polish: Anna Szczurko
Polish: Dagmara Wozniak
​​​​​​​Polish: Maciek Piekosz
Portuguese: Mariana Peres
​​​​​​​Russian: Elena Ashford
Twi-Akan: Kobe Adu-Poku
Ukrainian: Anna Szczurko
Urdu: Mahwash Khan