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A civil action is typically commenced when parties are unable to resolve their disputes without the intervention of a third party. Similarly, parties may, by agreement, decide to submit their disputes to arbitration. In either case, a third party adjudicator is given the task of determining the fair result of your dispute. Sometimes arbitration provides a more cost effective and expedient route to resolution. However, the fees of an arbitrator typically exceed court fees (as judges to not charge the parties’ fee for their time). Many parties will prefer arbitration for its privacy and it provides the parties an opportunity to have more control over the process and scheduling. Regardless of whether your dispute is in the form of arbitration or a traditional court proceeding, we would be more than pleased to assist you in advancing your claim or defence.

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I have experienced the relief every day since [we finished the matter]. Again, a big Thank You [Madison Goodacre] for getting this, most importantly done, but also quickly and professionally. - S.P.

Victoria [Edwards] and associates did a wonderful job and I would highly recommend your firm and Victoria. She explained all the details to perfection and very professionally. The satisfactory conclusion for this file speaks for itself. Thank you Victoria. You are the best! - J.I.

I want to thank Andrea [Cooley] so much for all her care, concern, work, expertise and wisdom that she gave over the last few months. A separation is something I did not really want to go through, but with Andrea's help I am thankful that I was able to get it all figured out and finished up. I am very happy that it is done, and I can move forward. - L.D.