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The Ontario government is busy pushing out regulations, and seeking comments on new ones. Current consultations include:

Second Extension of the 2007 Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem (COA) (source: Environmental Registry)
Federal-Provincial Agreement
Comments Due Date:  February 28, 2011
Proposed Amendments to the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (source: Environmental Registry)
Proposed Amendments to the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
Comments Due Date:  February 25, 2011
New Regulatory Provisions under the General Regulation 113/91 of the Mining Act – interest rates and receipt of electronic documents.
The Ministry proposes to amend the General Regulation to prescribe the interest rate owing on overdue accounts and the time of receipt of documents submitted by electronic means.
Comments Due Date:  February 12, 2011
New Regulatory Provisions under the Forms Regulation 195/06 of the Mining Act – New or amended forms.
The Ministry proposes to develop or amend various forms, for example, recording mining claims, notification requirements, updated FIPPA language, various administrative amendments.
Comments Due Date:  February 12, 2011
Amendments to Ontario Regulation 455/09 (source: Environmental Registry)
The Ministry is proposing to amend O. Reg. 455/09 to: 1. Extend the requirement for Phase I toxic substance reduction plans and plan summaries. 2. Address the requirements related to “toxic substance reduction planners”. 3. Revise the exemption criteria for dioxins, furans and hexachlorobenzene.
Comments Due Date:  January 31, 2011
Proposal to Amend O. Reg. 82/95 (Appliance and Equipment Efficiency) under the Green Energy Act, 2009 (source: Environmental Registry)
Regulatory Amendment
Comments Due Date:  January 28, 2011
Environmental Noise Guideline – Noise Assessment Criteria for Stationary Sources and for Land Use Planning (Publication NPC-300) (source: Environmental Registry)
The purpose of the policy proposal for the draft “Environmental Noise Guideline – Noise Assessment Criteria for Stationary Sources and for Land Use Planning (Publication NPC-300)” is to update three existing noise-related guidelines issued by the Ministry of the Environment (MOE).
Comments Due Date:  January 15, 2011

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