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Recent case law continues to address the enforceability of contractual provisions which try to limit employees’ entitlements on termination. Lawyers for terminated employees are keen to attack the validity of these clauses in an attempt to remove any cap on entitlements and extend the reasonable notice period. Termination provisions are still the best way to communicate an employee’s entitlements, but they require precise drafting to ensure they are ultimately enforceable. If you haven’t reviewed your organization’s template employment contracts in the past year, we encourage you to reach out to any member of Siskinds’ Labour & Employment Group to do so.

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How to appeal an accident benefits denial: The Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT)

If you are injured in a car accident in Ontario, you are entitled to receive statutory accid…

Privacy pulse: Ticketmaster investigation, Google is a monopoly and Texas lawsuits against Google and General Motors

The Siskinds Privacy, Cyber and Data Governance team is focused on providing businesses and …