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Auto Parts

*** THE CLAIM PERIOD IS CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS *** The online claim filing portal will be closed shortly after March 8, 2024 for any class members with a claim ID and PIN. Further information can be found at www.autopartsettlement.ca Note: Clicking on the “Join” button above is NOT filing a claim. The claims process relates to...

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Desjardins Privacy Breach

*** THE CLAIM PERIOD IS CURRENTLY ONGOING, VISIT THE “Developments” SECTION BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION *** On June 20, 2019, Desjardins acknowledged the unlawful disclosure and transmission of data from 2.9 million of its members, including information such as: name, date of birth, social insurance number, address, telephone number, email, and some information about transactional...

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We apologize that the claims portal has been experiencing technical difficulties. If you experience difficulties, please contact the claims administrator at [email protected] or 1.877.563.7614 to request a claim form. Claimants who contact the claims administrator directly will have until March 8, 2024 to provide the claims administrator with a completed form. We apologize for the inconvenience....

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