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Environmental Guide for Assessing and Mitigating the Air Quality Impacts and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Provincial Transportation Projects. To provide a more defensible evaluation of the air quality/ greenhouse gas impacts of highway projects, used in environmental assessments, the Ministry of Transportation has developed a standardized approach for assessing and mitigating the air quality impacts and greenhouse gas emissions of provincial transportation projects (“the Guide”).

The Guide uses a critical path methodology, focussed on whether the NOx or PM2.5 or greenhouse gas emissions of the proposed project would > 0.1% of provincial total, and on whether there are credible Transportation Planning Alternatives to the project with differences of Route Lengths > 10% or 1km.

The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) has endorsed MTO’s application of the draft Guide during the planning and design of provincial highway-related infrastructure.

EBR Registry Number:


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A guide to class actions

Class actions: you read about them in the newspaper or hear about them on television, but be…

Steps of a class action

Class action litigation is comprised of several stages. Some overlap with the steps in stand…