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Published on: 20 Jan 2020 By

Data Breach Awareness

Everyday hundreds of businesses across Canada have data incidents. From lost bins to hacked computers, businesses need to be aware of their privacy obligations they owe to their customers and clients. Indeed, businesses are now asking themselves not what if I have a data breach, but when wil…

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Published on: 13 Jan 2020 By

Understanding the differences between GDPR, CCPA, and PIPEDA – a guide for Canadian businesses

Gone are days of unregulated and untethered data gathering. With the rolling out of the California Consumer Privacy Act, Canadian businesses are now finding themselves navigating a sea awash with a patchwork of extraterritorial legislation. The laws are sometimes inconsistent, often vague, a…

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Published on: 25 Nov 2019 By

Public holiday pay: Is your absent employee entitled to it?

Section 26 of Ontario’s Employment Standards Act, 2000 (“ESA”) outlines an employer’s compensation obligation towards their employees when a public holiday falls on a regular work day. In order to be entitled to public holiday pay, the employee must pass the “Last and First Rule” – which req…

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Published on: 20 Nov 2019 By

Under suspicion: Top 10 tips for conducting a workplace investigation

Workplace investigations are an important process in any workplace. In some cases they are required by legislation and in others they are just good practice. Before conducting your own internal workplace investigation, be sure you have considered all of the points below. 1. Pick an investiga…

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Published on: 15 Nov 2019 By

Can employers ask job-applicants if they are eligible to work in Canada on a “permanent basis”? That’s the $120k question.

As a part of their job-application process, many employers ask applicants a question about the applicant’s ability or eligibility to work in Canada. Depending on the exact wording of that question, it may violate the Human Rights Code (the “Code”). Such a violation could be costly. In 2018, …

View the post titled Can employers ask job-applicants if they are eligible to work in Canada on a “permanent basis”? That’s the $120k question.
Published on: 8 Nov 2019 By

What are your environmental rights in Ontario? An overview of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993, S.O. 1993, c 28

Is there a right to a healthful environment in Ontario? Who has that right and what does it entail? Does the public have any say in the government’s ability to make environmentally significant decisions? These questions are the subject of longstanding and ongoing debates in Canadian environm…

View the post titled What are your environmental rights in Ontario? An overview of the Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993, S.O. 1993, c 28
Published on: 11 Oct 2019 By

Court: Illegality of “for cause” termination provision in employment agreement does not taint distinct “without cause” termination provision

An Ontario summary judgment decision released October 3, 2019 has confirmed that an enforceable “without cause” termination clause is not unenforceable on the sole basis that, elsewhere in the employment contract, the “for cause” termination clause violates the Employment Standards Act, 2000…

View the post titled Court: Illegality of “for cause” termination provision in employment agreement does not taint distinct “without cause” termination provision