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Published on: 19 Dec 2018 By

Enforceability of Termination Clauses in Employment Contracts – Trending towards Clarity, or More Uncertainty?

It is a basic principle of employment law in Ontario that employees terminated without cause are presumed to be entitled to common law reasonable notice of termination unless the parties clearly agreed to a different notice period, typically through a termination clause in an employment agre…

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Published on: 18 Dec 2018 By

2018 Year In Review For American and Canadian Whistleblower Programs

Fiscal Year 2018 was a nice year for tippers to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) whistleblower program (“SEC program”), thanks to some misbehaving companies. The SEC made record-breaking payouts of about $168 million to 13 whistleblowers in 2018. The SEC program was initia…

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Published on: 14 Dec 2018 By

Nova Scotia Supreme Court Grants Application for Judicial Review Concerning Provincial Funding for Effluent Treatment Facility

The Supreme Court of Nova Scotia has recently granted an application for judicial review relating to potential Crown funding for the construction of a new effluent treatment facility at Boat Harbour, Pictou County, Nova Scotia (the “Project”). In Pictou Landing First Nation v. Nova Scotia (A…

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Published on: 6 Dec 2018 By

The 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) Convenes in Katowice, Poland

On December 2, 2018, delegates from almost 200 nations convened in Katowice, Poland for the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The COP24, also known as the United Nations Climate Change Conference, Katowice, Poland, 2…

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Published on: 20 Nov 2018 By

Federal Court Scheduled to Hear Application for Judicial Review in David Suzuki Foundation et al v. Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Health et al.

This week, the Federal Court of Canada is scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case of David Suzuki Foundation et al v. Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Health et al, T-1071-16 (“Suzuki Foundation”). Suzuki Foundation is an application for judicial review brought by the David Suzuk…

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