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Published on: 27 Mar 2023 By

An employment lawyer’s review of an AI-drafted employment agreement

Along with what feels like every other person on the planet, I’ve been experimenting with ChatGPT. For the uninitiated, ChatGPT is an AI chat bot developed by OpenAI. I’m hardly an expert on the subject, but ChatGPT does not appear to “think” the way humans do. It is incapable of subjective …

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Published on: 11 Oct 2022 By

Federal Court grants injunctive relief against interfering law firm – Moushoom v Canada (Attorney General)

In August 2022, the Federal Court released its decision in Moushoom v Canada (Attorney General), 2022 FC 1212 (“Moushoom”), granting the Plaintiffs’ motion for an interlocutory order that no legal professionals other than class counsel, the Plaintiff Assembly of First Nations, or the Court-a…

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Published on: 13 Sep 2022 By

Can MLM businesses ever sell on third-party sites? Never say never.

Every MLM business knows that selling products through third-parties such as Amazon or eBay should never be allowed… but is this actually the case? What if MLM companies did sell products in big box stores or on Amazon? This blog post considers the legal and practical consequences of w…

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Published on: 12 Sep 2022 By

Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA) and potential new obligations for businesses

Businesses that previously had few obligations under Canadian privacy law may become significantly impacted by new federal legislation. Bill C-27, introduced on June 16, 2022, seeks to modernize Canada’s now 22-year-old Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) wi…

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Published on: 1 Sep 2022 By

Beyond “functional disclosure” – Ontario Court of Appeal applies the rule from Handley Estate in CHU de Québec-Université Laval v. Tree of Knowledge International Corp.

In multi-party litigation, situations may arise where one or more defendants are inclined to settle a plaintiff’s claims while others are not. In these circumstances, the settling defendant may execute a settlement agreement with the plaintiff called a Pierringer agreement. Essentially, Pier…

View the post titled Beyond “functional disclosure” – Ontario Court of Appeal applies the rule from Handley Estate in CHU de Québec-Université Laval v. Tree of Knowledge International Corp.