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Published on: 8 Jul 2016 By

Do environmental permits have value for the purposes of property tax assessment?

A recent decision of the Assessment Review Board (“ARB”) (Waste Management of Canada Corporation v MPAC, ID 138737 (ARB)) has concluded that the market value of the rights associated with an Environmental Compliance Approval (“ECA”) should be reflected in the current value of a landfill for …

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Published on: 5 Jul 2016 By

Slips, Trips and Falls: Understanding Occupiers’ Liability

What is Occupiers’ Liability? In Ontario, the Occupiers’ Liability Act governs all claims relating to occupiers’ liability. Anyone who is in physical possession of a property, or has responsibility for and control over a property (the “occupier”) owes a duty of care to take reasonable precau…

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Published on: 29 Jun 2016 By

Court grants defendant injunction and inspection order to investigate plaintiff’s property

In 2014, Metrus Properties sued Wrigley Canada claiming Wrigley’s neighbouring property had contaminated its property. When Wrigley asked to access the Metrus property to conduct environmental tests, Metrus refused. In April of 2016, the Superior Court of Justice granted an injunction to tem…

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Published on: 15 Jun 2016 By

Court confirms PMRA’s duty to conduct special reviews of pesticides

A recent decision out of the Federal Court has confirmed the federal Pest Management Regulatory Agency’s (“PMRA”) duty to conduct special reviews. More specifically, the PMRA must conduct special reviews of any pest control product containing a special ingredient banned for environmental or …

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