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Published on: 10 Jun 2016 By

Misrepresentation in Accredited Investor Prospectus Exempt Offerings in Ontario

Part I – Mind the Angle Shooters The more dangerous malefactors are the men in high places who take a good property, overcapitalize it, appraise its value at many times what it is worth, use artful publicity and market methods to beguile the public into believing the stock is worth par…

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Published on: 25 May 2016 By

Injured in a Car Accident? Changes to Accident Benefits as of June 1, 2016

As of June 1, 2016, people injured in motor vehicle accidents in Ontario will face new challenges. These challenges come as a result of the latest round of amendments to the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS). Accident Benefits are benefits available to anyone in Ontario injured in …

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Published on: 20 May 2016 By

$8,000 Fine and $10,950 Restitution Payment for Diesel Fuel Spill

Earlier this month, a truck driver pleaded guilty to failing to provide notice of a diesel fuel spill to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (“MOECC”). He was fined $8,000 (plus the 25% victim fine surcharge of $1,250) for the offence, and ordered to pay $10,950.07 in restitution …

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Published on: 19 May 2016 By

Siskinds Franchise Law Group Named Global Leader in Franchise Law

Congratulations to Peter Dillon and the franchise law group, for being named a Canadian leader in franchise law in the Corporate LiveWire 2016 Global Awards! These awards recognize individuals and companies in the corporate finance sector that have demonstrated great achievements in the past…

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