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Published on: 30 Mar 2016 By

Shell fined $500,000, pays $200,000 to First Nation following 2013 spill

In case you missed it, nearly 3 years following the event, Shell Canada Ltd has been sentenced for a spill of “flare knock-out liquids” at a Sarnia-area refinery. The January 2013 spill affected members of the nearby Aamjiwnaang First Nation, who experienced a variety of adverse health effec…

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Published on: 21 Mar 2016 By

The Duty To Accommodate Does Not Require an Employer to Turn Customers Away

A Store Manager for a leather company injured her wrist. Ultimately, the store terminated her position, prompting a human rights application to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. As part of this application, the employee argued that the accommodation process required: Prior to the full heari…

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Published on: 4 Mar 2016 By ,

Tips for Choosing Your Personal Injury Lawyer

Choosing a lawyer to represent you in your personal injury claim is a big decision. Emily Foreman shares the following tips for selecting a personal injury lawyer: Response TimeHow quickly did the lawyer respond to your first inquiry? This can set the tone for your relationship. Belief in Yo…

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