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Published on: 29 Sep 2015 By

Automobiles vs Recreational Off-Road Vehicles: Are You Covered by Insurance?

While riding off-road vehicles such as ATVs, dune buggies, and quads can be lots of fun, they can also lead to serious accidents and injuries. It is important to know your insurance obligations and to know whether or not you are covered by insurance if an accident occurs while riding an off-…

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Published on: 24 Sep 2015 By

How Will the Recent Changes to Ontario Accident Benefits Affect Your Rehabilitation

On September 1st, 2015 there were important changes to Ontario’s Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule. These changes significantly lowered the benefits available to Ontarians who are injured in a motor vehicle accident. This article looks at the changes and discusses how they impact accident…

View the post titled How Will the Recent Changes to Ontario Accident Benefits Affect Your Rehabilitation
Published on: 14 Sep 2015 By

Climate litigation: US youth sue the government for climate inaction

There is lots of climate-related legal action occurring in the US these days. A few weeks ago, for example, we blogged about the Clean Power Plan, Obama’s plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the US. Several lawsuits have already been filed (and at least one has already been d…

View the post titled Climate litigation: US youth sue the government for climate inaction