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Published on: 29 Aug 2014 By

Removing Locked Bikes From Public Property: Bad Idea, But Not Theft.

Earlier this month, Torontonians learned that Brookfield Property Group was cutting the locks off of bikes parked outside their Hudson’s Bay Centre Building. Knowing that we are devoted cyclists, a number of readers have asked us whether their actions constitute theft. Under the Crimin…

View the post titled Removing Locked Bikes From Public Property: Bad Idea, But Not Theft.
Published on: 14 Aug 2014 By

Non-competition clauses can be more damaging than just being unreliable

Over the last decade or so, Canadian courts have become increasingly unwilling to enforce non-competition clauses in employment contracts, except in limited exceptional circumstances. Despite this, some employers continue to keep them included in their contracts of employment either because …

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