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Published on: 16 Jun 2014 By

Alberta TCE class action – claims in trespass, nuisance, Rylands v. Fletcher dismissed

Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) operated a train repair facility, known as the Ogden shops, since the early 1900s in a heavily industrialized area outside Calgary. Over the years, a residential area grew up around the shops. TCE was used as a degreaser in the shops from the mid-1950s to the m…

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Published on: 1 Jun 2014 By ,

Wills, trusts and estate planning for people with disabilities and their families

Introduction Families are very familiar with positive planning processes that are focused on helping their child with disabilities to have a good life. You may have had help by many people in your unique situation to develop a good plan: extended family and friends, members of your child’s s…

View the post titled Wills, trusts and estate planning for people with disabilities and their families
Published on: 13 May 2014 By

CAROM V BRE-X MINERALS LTD: A Shocking Case Deserves A Shocking Conclusion

In her forthcoming article, The “Illusion of Compensation”: Cy près Distributions in Canadian Class Actions, class actions scholar, Professor Jasminka Kalajdzic, brings to comprehensive light the rather desultory state of cy près settlement jurisprudence in Canada.1 Professor Kalajdzic notes…

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