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Published on: 24 Feb 2014 By

Ecuador oil pollution claim can try again to collect from Chevron in Canada

Indigenous Ecuadorian villagers can try again to enforce a controversial $18 billion environmental damage award against Texaco (now merged with Chevron Corp., one of the world’s largest corporations) in Canada. This is part of a worldwide legal battle between the villagers, seeking to …

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Published on: 18 Dec 2013 By

Public access to approvals documents at Environmental Tribunal – Part 2

As mentioned in our previous post, there is a limited right of public access to approvals documents that are part of an application for an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA), or are part of the ECA itself, during an application for leave to appeal that ECA to the Environmental Review Tr…

View the post titled Public access to approvals documents at Environmental Tribunal – Part 2