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Published on: 11 Dec 2013 By

Public access to approvals documents at Environmental Review Tribunal

Per two of our recent victories at the Environmental Review Tribunal, the public has a limited right of access to approvals documents that are part of an application for an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA), or are part of the ECA itself, when seeking leave to appeal that ECA. In Briml…

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Published on: 6 Dec 2013 By

Freedom of expression before environmental regulators and tribunals?

Environmental regulators and tribunals bear substantial responsibilities and make important decisions regarding development in Canada. If they won’t listen to opponents of a project, will they breach the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms? The issue has been raised before the cour…

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Published on: 20 Nov 2013 By

Upcoming Legislative changes will impact Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporations

In 2014 there will be significant changes to the legislation governing Ontario’s not-for-profit corporations. The changes will affect requirements of directors and the by-laws. In this article Curtis discusses the timeline for those changes and recommends first steps for ensuring your not-fo…

View the post titled Upcoming Legislative changes will impact Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporations
Published on: 15 Nov 2013 By

Siskinds Turns It Purple in Support of London Abused Women’s Centre

Today Siskinds staff turned it purple around the office today in support of the Shine the Light on Woman Abuse campaign supporting the LAWC. Purple is a symbol of courage, survival and honour, and has come to symbolize the fight to end woman abuse. To view our purple people visit our Faceboo…

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