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Published on: 10 Oct 2013 By

What are uninsured, unidentified and underinsured motorist claims?

I. Third-Party Liability Coverage: Who pays for damages if I am injured, but it is not my fault? In Ontario, if you are injured in a motor vehicle accident you may commence a lawsuit against an at-fault driver to compensate for your injuries and losses. Usually, the at-fault driver’s o…

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Published on: 29 Aug 2013 By

Tiny amount of hazardous material can make a whole waste load “hazardous”

A recent court decision has dramatically widened Ontario’s rules on what constitutes “hazardous waste”. Now, any hotspot can be enough to make an entire load “hazardous waste”. This is a particular risk for those handling spill cleanup materials and other small …

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Published on: 30 Jul 2013 By

Cy Pres Settlements (Or, How Charities Can Benefit From Class Actions)

In fall 2010, Siskinds was retained to bring a proposed class action against Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited (Toronto Hydro) on allegations that the utility company illegally charged interest at a rate of 19.56% per year. By way of background: The Interest Act requires that where inter…

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