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Published on: 12 Dec 2012 By

Siskinds lawyers listed in Lexpert’s Report on Business Special Edition: Litigation.

Siskinds is pleased to announce that two of our lawyers have been identified as leaders in Litigation in Lexpert’s Report on Business Special Edition: Litigation.   We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate: Scott Ritchie Q.C.Charles M. Wright Inclusion in the Special Report is …

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Published on: 5 Dec 2012 By

Siskinds LLP files new class action concerning Poseidon Concepts Corp.

The action alleges, among other things, that the defendants made statements that were materially false and misleading regarding Poseidon Concepts’ financial position, financial performance and cash flows, overstated the company’s incomes and reported inflated assets. For more information or …

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Published on: 13 Nov 2012 By

Silence Is Golden: What happens when confidentiality provisions are breached?

Settlements with employees often include confidentiality provisions. What happens when those confidentiality provisions are breached? A recent decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario inTremblay v. 1168531 Ontario Inc. provides some useful guidance. The employer operated a Subway sto…

View the post titled Silence Is Golden: What happens when confidentiality provisions are breached?
Published on: 5 Nov 2012 By

Siskinds LLP files new class action concerning Hyundai / Kia for misrepresenting fuel efficiency.

The class action alleges that Canadians who bought a Hyundai or Kia automobile between 2010 and 2013 are not getting the fuel efficiency numbers they were promised, and that they therefore overpaid for the vehicles and continue to overpay every time they fill up with gas.  To read the full C…

View the post titled Siskinds LLP files new class action concerning Hyundai / Kia for misrepresenting fuel efficiency.
Published on: 31 Oct 2012 By

Employees Have Right To Privacy On Work Computers New Blog post by Andrea Bezaire

Andrea Bezaire writes a new blog post “Employees Have Right to Privacy On Work Computers” which takes an in depth look at the recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling which upheld that employees have a right to privacy on work computers in R. v. Cole and how this ruling will effect employers an…

View the post titled Employees Have Right To Privacy On Work Computers New Blog post by Andrea Bezaire
Published on: 23 Oct 2012 By

Everything Old Is New Again! The Use Of Social Media In The Course Of The Employment Relationship New Blog post by Andrea Bezaire

In my last blog “Be Careful What You Wish For: The Use of Social Media In The Hiring Process”, I discussed some of the pros and cons of using Facebook, Twitter or other social media in making hiring decisions. This blog considers the use of social media in the course of the employment relati…

View the post titled Everything Old Is New Again! The Use Of Social Media In The Course Of The Employment Relationship New Blog post by Andrea Bezaire
Published on: 19 Oct 2012 By

Letter of Wishes: How to assist trustees in the distribution of trust property New Article by Stacey Bothwell

Stacey Bothwell takes a look a a recent opportunity to draft a letter of wishes in the context of the reorganization of a corporate group and establishment of a family trust and wills. In this situation the children of the owners of the corporation and the owners themselves were fairly young…

View the post titled Letter of Wishes: How to assist trustees in the distribution of trust property New Article by Stacey Bothwell