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Published on: 25 Nov 2020 By ,

How Canada and the U.S. prohibit pyramid schemes differently

The U.S. and Canada prohibit product-based pyramid marketing schemes in different ways. This short article is intended to give multi-level marketing businesses a better understanding of the important legal asymmetries between the two countries.   The Canadian Competition Act specifically def…

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Published on: 18 Nov 2020 By ,

Right to access your vehicle’s telematic data?

In our previous post, we explained how the US November 3rd election resulted in developments that were overlooked. Namely, the expansion of the recreational and medicinal cannabis market. Another underreported but critical development took place in Massachusetts where Bay Staters voted en ma…

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Published on: 17 Nov 2020 By

Employers: Supreme Court of Canada weighs in on discrimination, bonus entitlements

It has been some time since the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) last addressed employment-law related issues, but it recently issued two noteworthy decisions that may be relevant to employers. In Fraser v. Canada (Attorney General), 2020 SCC 28, the SCC arguably set the bar lower for employe…

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Published on: 6 Nov 2020 By

Ontario’s new restriction framework and what that means for Ontario businesses

Consistent with the ever-changing nature of rules and regulations around COVID-19, the Province of Ontario has announced a rehauling of the COVID-19 alert framework we have become accustomed to (Stages 1-3), by way of the Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework, effective Saturday November 7…

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Published on: 16 Oct 2020 By

The Securities and Exchange Commission amends its whistleblower program

On September 23, 2020, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”)  finalized changes to its highly successful whistleblower program (the “SEC Program”)1. Since it began, the SEC Program has paid over $500 million in total rewards to tipsters.  Earlier this June, one anonymous individu…

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Published on: 5 Oct 2020 By

Leaves, layoffs and terminations: COVID’s impact on Ontario’s workplaces

In the ever-changing employment law landscape of 2020, it can be hard to keep pace and understand your options and responsibilities for your workforce. This blog will discuss some of our clients’ frequently asked questions about leaves, layoffs and terminations. Covid Related Leaves of Absen…

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Published on: 17 Sep 2020 By

Court finds against insurer who held insured to an “absurd” standard

Lamb v Cooperators, 2020 ONSC 4955 You’ve been struck by a car. You have pain in part of your body. You’re not yet entirely sure where. Then, yes, okay it’s your arm. Your arm hurts. But where exactly. It’s more your shoulder. How bad is the pain though? You think you might have hit your...

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