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Published on: 27 Mar 2012 By

State of the Unions

In the wake of belt-tightening budgets from government and a growing sense that labour relations are entering a more difficult period in both the public and private sectors, an article in last weekend’s Globe and Mail by John Allemang makes for interesting reading – whether your organization…

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Published on: 20 Mar 2012 By

Siskinds is very pleased to announce that James R. Caskey, Q.C. will be awarded with The Law Society of Upper Canada’s top honour – the Law Society Medal.

This medal is awarded to a select few lawyers who have made a significant contribution to the profession.  The award is given for outstanding service within the profession where the service is in accordance with the highest ideals of the legal profession. Originally struck in 1985, the Law S…

View the post titled Siskinds is very pleased to announce that James R. Caskey, Q.C. will be awarded with The Law Society of Upper Canada’s top honour – the Law Society Medal.
Published on: 19 Mar 2012 By

Siskinds is looking forward to attending the upcoming Tastings event raising funds for LHSC’s London Regional Cancer Program.

The event is being held at the London Hunt and Country Club and will be a night filled with exploring the world of fine wine and food.For more information, please visit http://www.lhsf.ca/events-lotteries/tastings.

View the post titled Siskinds is looking forward to attending the upcoming Tastings event raising funds for LHSC’s London Regional Cancer Program.