Avis Favaro of CTV News Interviews Jill McCartney of Siskinds LLP regarding Zofran Class Action
The Class Actions team at Siskinds LLP recently commenced a new case against the pharmaceutical manufacturers of Zofran. The class action claim alleges that the drug manufacturers failed to warn that Zofran was unsafe for pregnant women. Zofran is a powerful anti-nausea medication approved b…
View the post titled Avis Favaro of CTV News Interviews Jill McCartney of Siskinds LLP regarding Zofran Class ActionAuditor General: Ontario Must Manage its Contaminated Sites
On December 2, the Auditor General released her 2015 report. This year’s report included a chapter on management of contaminated sites. In all, there are almost 800 contaminated sites owned by Ontario, of which 288 have recorded liabilities, estimated at $1.792 billion dollars. Her report fo…
View the post titled Auditor General: Ontario Must Manage its Contaminated SitesOntario's proposed approach to cap and trade
Last week, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (“MOECC”) posted to the Environmental Registry its proposed approach to establishing a cap and trade regime in the province. Preferred and considered options for such a regime were are outlined in a “Cap and Trade Program …
View the post titled Ontario's proposed approach to cap and tradeProposed Changes to the OHSA: The more things change, the more they stay the same?
Laws intended to change social behaviour are sometimes referred to as “social engineering” legislation. The obvious example is the Human Rights Code, which prohibits discrimination on protected grounds and requires employers to accommodate many of the personal challenges employees face. Som…
View the post titled Proposed Changes to the OHSA: The more things change, the more they stay the same?Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Consulting Regarding New System for Calculating Employer Premiums
Most employers in Ontario are subject to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act (the “WSIA”), with the majority of those employers falling under Schedule 1 of the legislation. For Schedule 1 employers, contact with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (the “WSIB”) generally occurs only a…
View the post titled Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Consulting Regarding New System for Calculating Employer PremiumsUnderstanding Litigation Guardians
Lawyers present legal options to their clients, advise them of their best options, and receive instructions on how to proceed. The foundational principle is that the client remains in control of their proceeding. However, when a client is incapable of providing instructions, and therefore in…
View the post titled Understanding Litigation GuardiansBattling climate change through the Montreal Protocol
Of late, all eyes have been on Paris, which will host the upcoming Conference of the Parties (“COP”) for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (“UNFCC”) (and, since last Friday, for other tragic reasons). However, earlier this month, an important development …
View the post titled Battling climate change through the Montreal ProtocolSiskinds congratulates Dianne Saxe, Ontario’s next Environmental Commissioner
The environmental law team at Siskinds LLP wishes Dianne every success in her new role as the Environmental Commissioner for Ontario. Dianne will be sworn in and officially take office on November 26, 2015. Not long after, she will be attending the annual climate change conference (COP21) he…
View the post titled Siskinds congratulates Dianne Saxe, Ontario’s next Environmental CommissionerThank you and goodbye
After twenty-five very good years, we are wrapping up the Saxe Law Office. Today concludes Dianne’s association with the website and blog here at envirolaw.com. Thank you to my excellent staff, clients and colleagues for all your help, encouragement and challenging opportunities. As of…
View the post titled Thank you and goodbyeNo Jeans or Shorts in the Workplace? No Way.
When an employer attempted to institute a formal dress code requiring its staff to wear business casual attire and prohibiting jeans and shorts in the workplace, the union filed a policy grievance. The employer, the British Columbia Assessment Authority, conducts real property assessments an…
View the post titled No Jeans or Shorts in the Workplace? No Way.Receive Blog Posts
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