Entering Canada as a business visitor: Essential requirements
In this blog, I will discuss the prerequisites for entering Canada as a business visitor, while also touching upon instances where a work permit is necessary or where a work permit exemption may be applicable. Our immigration team consistently receives inquiries from Canadian companies and o…
View the post titled Entering Canada as a business visitor: Essential requirementsCanopy Growth Corporation’s alleged misrepresentation of BioSteel’s revenue (TSX: WEED; NASDAQ: CGC)
On July 6, 2023, Siskinds LLP filed a proposed securities misrepresentation class action in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice against Canopy Growth Corporation, its directors and senior officers, Canopy’s auditor KPMG LLP and two of BioSteel Sports Nutrition Inc.’s (“BioSteel”) senior of…
View the post titled Canopy Growth Corporation’s alleged misrepresentation of BioSteel’s revenue (TSX: WEED; NASDAQ: CGC)Is there a limitation period on sexual assault claims in Ontario?
Governed by the Limitations Act, 2002 (“Limitations Act”) in Ontario, a limitation period is the time within which one party must commence an action against another. The standard limitation period is two years from the date of the loss or the date the loss was discovered. Failure to commence…
View the post titled Is there a limitation period on sexual assault claims in Ontario?Newly released J&J bankruptcy plan for compensating talcum powder cancer claims includes Canadian claims
A Johnson & Johnson subsidiary that is pursuing a US bankruptcy to resolve thousands of talcum powder lawsuits has filed its plan for compensating cancer victims with pending claims, and the proposed plan directly impacts the rights of Canadians. The Chapter 11 Plan of Reorganization pr…
View the post titled Newly released J&J bankruptcy plan for compensating talcum powder cancer claims includes Canadian claimsHow to prepare for your examination for discovery: A guide for personal injury plaintiffs
Facing a civil lawsuit can be daunting, especially when it comes to the examination for discovery. If you are a plaintiff involved in a personal injury lawsuit in Ontario, these tips can help you understand the purpose of the examination for discovery and how to prepare for it. What is the e…
View the post titled How to prepare for your examination for discovery: A guide for personal injury plaintiffsShould my business have a ChatGPT policy?
According to a recent Time magazine article, “Almost 30% of the nearly 4,500 professionals surveyed…said that they’ve already used OpenAI’s ChatGPT or another artificial intelligence program in their work.”1 Additionally, Business Insider reports, “Of thes…
View the post titled Should my business have a ChatGPT policy?Podcast highlight: St. Joseph’s Health Care on supporting someone after sexual assault
St. Joseph’s Health Care has released their latest DocTalks Podcast episode featuring Dr. Susan McNair, family physician and medical director of the Regional Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Centre at St. Joseph’s Health Care London. In this episode, Dr. McNair and DocTal…
View the post titled Podcast highlight: St. Joseph’s Health Care on supporting someone after sexual assaultHit-and-run accidents in Ontario: Your insurance rights and protections explained
On the ever-busy roads of Ontario, car accidents are an unfortunate reality. One particularly tricky situation involves an accident with an unidentified driver, commonly known as a “hit and run.” What happens if you’re the victim of such an incident? What coverages are avai…
View the post titled Hit-and-run accidents in Ontario: Your insurance rights and protections explainedGoing to court: Navigating commercial litigation in Ontario
When faced with a business-related dispute, understanding the steps involved before initiating a legal proceeding in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice is crucial to protect your rights and reaching a proper conclusion. Three main steps in a legal action Whether you’re dealing with …
View the post titled Going to court: Navigating commercial litigation in OntarioInstitutional abuse litigation
Throughout Canada, recent years have seen repeated discoveries of abuse in institutional settings. Allegations against religious organizations, educational facilities, nursing homes, and correctional facilities have brought to light horrific stories of the mistreatment, neglect and abuse of …
View the post titled Institutional abuse litigationReceive Blog Posts
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