Tribunal keeps upholding wind approvals
The Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal keeps upholding wind projects, despite opponents’ arguments that annoyance about wind turbines ought to be considered an adverse health effect. In Dingeldein v. Ontario (Director, Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change), 2015 CarswellO…
View the post titled Tribunal keeps upholding wind approvalsUber Insurance Issues
The Uber App now operates in London, providing a new form of taxi service. It is easy to use, convenient, cheap, and fast. You request a pick-up on the Uber App, and a driver picks you up in their personal vehicle. You can track your Uber taxi by GPS and know exactly how far it is from you,...
View the post titled Uber Insurance IssuesDust in the wind: big fine for blowing tailings dust
The recent conviction of Unimin Canada Ltd (R v Unimin Canada Ltd, 2015 CarswellOnt 11640) underscores again the potential regulatory costs of failing to take appropriate preventative measures to ensure compliance with the Environmental Protection Act, RSO 1990, c E.19 (“EPA”)&…
View the post titled Dust in the wind: big fine for blowing tailings dustNEB updating pipeline damage prevention framework, seeking comments
The National Energy Board (“NEB”) is currently seeking comments on its proposed approach to damage prevention for oil pipelines. Anyone interested in commenting has until November 13, 2015 to do so. The Pipeline Safety Act, SC 2015, c.21, received Royal Assent on June 18, 2015, b…
View the post titled NEB updating pipeline damage prevention framework, seeking commentsWelcome to the Siskinds Team
The entire team at Siskinds LLP is looking forward to welcoming Paula and Kirsten into our municipal and environmental practice group. Paula and Kirsten will be based out of Siskinds Toronto office. Having lived in Toronto for more than twenty years and having started my legal career at a Ba…
View the post titled Welcome to the Siskinds TeamDo employers have to allow their employees to work from home to breastfeed? Flatt v. Treasury Board (Department of Industry)
A female employee with the Industry Canada’s Spectrum Management Operations Branch filed a grievance alleging that she was discriminated against on the basis of sex and family status when her employer failed to accommodate her request to work five days a week from home so she could continue …
View the post titled Do employers have to allow their employees to work from home to breastfeed? Flatt v. Treasury Board (Department of Industry)Liberal platform on environment
According to the Liberal Party website, the new Canadian government will: reverse the cuts that the Conservatives made to federal environmental laws and environmental assessments, consider climate change when proposing oil infrastructure, support government scientists, take climate change mo…
View the post titled Liberal platform on environmentClient Testimonial for Emily Foreman and Team: “I highly recommend their assistance…”
Emily Foreman frequently receives written notes of thanks from her clients. These notes serve as compelling testimonials for the quality of her work. Following is another note that she recently received: “During one of the most difficult periods of my life, Emily Foreman and the profes…
View the post titled Client Testimonial for Emily Foreman and Team: “I highly recommend their assistance…”Our practice is moving
Saxe Law Office is pleased to announce that, as of November 30, 2015, our environmental law practice is joining the respected mid-size law firm, Siskinds LLP. Our skilled associates, Paula Boutis and Kirsten Mikadze, will be moving to Siskinds’ Toronto office. They will be continuing …
View the post titled Our practice is movingOil Pipelines and Climate Change: Eyes Wide Shut
Will the National Energy Board (“NEB”) listen to evidence about climate change when deciding whether to permit an oil pipeline? No, no, and no. The federal Conservatives have dramatically narrowed Canada’s environmental laws, in a concerted effort to force through approval of oil pipelines, …
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