True 50% funding for 2015 Blue Box Steward Obligation
Municipal Blue Box programs will receive 50% of their verified costs again for 2015, just as required by section 25(5) of the Ontario Waste Diversion Act.
View the post titled True 50% funding for 2015 Blue Box Steward ObligationLiability for delays in issuing environmental permits?
Can the government be liable for financial damages, when they refuse environmental permits for unreasonable reasons, or cause an unreasonable delay in issuing a permit? Yes
View the post titled Liability for delays in issuing environmental permits?Creative sentence for Ontario concrete company
A Sudbury ready mix concrete company, Rainbow Concrete Industries Ltd., pleaded guilty to one count under s. 30 of the Ontario Water Resources Act, for discharging concrete waste water into a Sudbury creek, and received a creative sentence plus a fine. This is good news. Creative sentences, …
View the post titled Creative sentence for Ontario concrete companyNew neonic pesticide controls in Ontario
On July 1, 2015, new regulatory requirements for the sale and use of neonicotinoid-treated seeds in Ontario will start to come into effect, to protect bird and bee health. Ontario wants to reduce the number of acres planted with neonicotinoid-treated corn and soybean seed by 80 per cent by 2…
View the post titled New neonic pesticide controls in OntarioAnti-fracking and Great Lakes Bills to Committee
The Ontario Legislature rose for the summer on June 4, with two environmental proposed environmental laws having received second reading, but awaiting Committee review and public hearings. The third environmental law, Bill 52, Protection of Public Participation Act, 2015 (anti-SLAPP) has bee…
View the post titled Anti-fracking and Great Lakes Bills to CommitteeFood labelling coming to a (franchised) restaurant near you
Here is a recent legislative development of interest that will impact the franchise community, at least in Ontario: the Making Healthier Choices Act, 2015, which received Royal assent on May 28, 2015. Note that the act comes into force on Jan. 1, 2017. The act requires that “owners and opera…
View the post titled Food labelling coming to a (franchised) restaurant near youWeird loophole in Toronto sewer bylaw
Toronto seems to have a weird and expensive loophole in its sewer bylaw. Virtually every municipal sewer bylaw prohibits the discharge of non-municipal water, such as storm water or groundwater, into its sanitary sewers. Stormwater and groundwater are permitted only in storm or combined sewe…
View the post titled Weird loophole in Toronto sewer bylawEndangered Species exemptions survive court challenge
Sweeping exemptions from Ontario’s protection for endangered species have been upheld by the Divisional Court, despite concerns that they reduce the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act, 2007. In Wildlands League v. Lieutenant Governor in Council, 2015 ONSC 2942, Ecojustice, the…
View the post titled Endangered Species exemptions survive court challengeWhy special rules for endangered species on roads to turbines?
Why should endangered species protection in Ontario be different for roads to wind turbines, as opposed to roads leading anywhere else? Ontario has an elaborate system that allegedly protects endangered species. Under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), endangered, threatened or extirpated spe…
View the post titled Why special rules for endangered species on roads to turbines?Ontario industries can finally burn waste not coal
Ontario’s energy intensive industries have finally been permitted to burn many kinds of waste, in place of coal. Cement companies, among others, are now looking for sufficient quantities of eligible biomass they can dry and burn to fuel their kilns. With cap and trade on the way, this …
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