Oslo Principles on Climate Change: Governments are Breaching Legal Duties
A group of preeminent international jurists have put together a series of legal principles, called the Oslo Principles on Global Obligations to Reduce Climate Change. These principles demonstrate that the governments of the world are breaching their legal duties to their citizens, by doing …
View the post titled Oslo Principles on Climate Change: Governments are Breaching Legal DutiesA Decade of Competition Law Class Actions: From Chadha to the ‘New Trilogy’
Abstract: The brief history of Canadian competition law class actions has been marked by a significant evolution in approach, from hesitancy to acceptance. The debate has focused on the evidentiary standard and the viability of indirect purchaser claims. Early attempts at certification in co…
View the post titled A Decade of Competition Law Class Actions: From Chadha to the ‘New Trilogy’Disclosure Requirements Give Franchisees A Way Out – Video
Franchise lawyer Peter Dillon, spoke recently with AdvocateDaily.com and says that the courts tend to give franchisees a get out of jail free card due to the emphasis placed upon disclosure at the time of purchase. Click here to view the video.
View the post titled Disclosure Requirements Give Franchisees A Way Out – VideoCanadian "recyclables" really waste, rot in Philippines
For two years, 50 shipping containers of Canadian garbage have been expensively rotting in the Philippines, at the expense of Filipinos. The containers were shipped as recyclable plastic scrap in 2013, but reportedly contained a mixture of plastics with other household wastes, including adu…
View the post titled Canadian "recyclables" really waste, rot in PhilippinesTechnical non-compliance risky for Ontario franchisors
Toronto franchise lawyer Peter Dillon says courts have taken a highly technical approach to interpreting disclosure requirements, which has resulted in more franchisees being able to get out of deals. Dillon, partner at Siskinds LLP, says franchise legislation in Ontario, as well as four oth…
View the post titled Technical non-compliance risky for Ontario franchisorsBreach of Environmental Order Lands Director in Jail
The company was ordered to pay restitution, plus a $120,000 fine. It didn't pay...The officer/director was personally fined $5,000 and sentenced to five days in jail.
View the post titled Breach of Environmental Order Lands Director in JailTerminating an Employee without Checking Their HR File First Can Have Serious Consequences for Employers
Sometimes the need arises to end an employment relationship quickly. However, it’s vitally important to ensure that you check the employee’s human resources file for potential human rights considerations before making any decisions, as confirmed by a recent decision by the Human Rights Tribu…
View the post titled Terminating an Employee without Checking Their HR File First Can Have Serious Consequences for EmployersDirectors of real estate agent liable for contaminated site?
How far can no-fault liability for contaminated sites go? The Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change has issued a cleanup order to (among others) the accountant who held a power of attorney to sell a contaminated site for an overseas client, and the directors of a real estate com…
View the post titled Directors of real estate agent liable for contaminated site?Ontario finally adopting carbon cap and trade
Today, Premier Wynne announced that Ontario is finally going ahead to implement a cap and trade system for carbon emissions, in cooperation with Quebec and perhaps California. Ontario originally promised to join Quebec, California and others in the Western Climate Initiative in 2008, but has…
View the post titled Ontario finally adopting carbon cap and tradeExpert Evidence at the Environmental Review Tribunal
Dianne Saxe spoke last week at the Ontario Bar Association seminar on Using Environmental Experts Effectively at the Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal. Here is a copy of her presentation: Experts at Environmental Review Tribunal. In theory, expert evidence at the Tribunal is governed by …
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