Maytag (Québec)
Maytag Front-Load Washing Machine Class Action (Quebec) Le 27 août 2004, Siskinds, Desmeules a déposé une requête pour autorisation d’exercer un recours collectif contre Maytag Corporation et Maytag Limitée. Le formulaire d’inscription et de réclamation est disponible au site web www.f…
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Polybutylene Pipe Defective plastic pipes (polybutylene pipe) used in plumbing and radiant heating Siskinds is involved in an effort to seek compensation for individuals throughout Canada who have Polybutylene plumbing and/or heating systems. The problems pertain to a type of piping material…
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Polybutylene Pipe Siskinds launched a lawsuit against 3 companies (Shell Oil, E.I. Dupont, and Hoescht Celanese Corporation) who were responsible for the defective plumbing and radiant heating system known as Polybutylene Plumbing in an effort to seek compensation for individuals throughout …
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Vanishing Premiums Vanishing Premium Insurance Products The Siskinds class action group was successful in reaching a resolution regarding vanishing premiums against Sun Life Assurance Company, Manufacturers Life Insurance Company Premium and Mutual of Omaha. Successful Actions: McRae v. Mutu…
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Vanishing Premiums Vanishing Premium Insurance Products The Siskinds class action group was successful in reaching a resolution regarding vanishing premiums against Sun Life Assurance Company, Manufacturers Life Insurance Company Premium and Mutual of Omaha. Successful Actions: McRae v. Mutu…
View the post titled Vanishing PremiumsRoyal Bank
Royal Bank Mortage Prepayment Penalties McCallum v. Royal Bank of Canada The class action group was successful in reaching a Canada-wide settlement regarding Royal Bank mortgage penalties in June of 1998. The settlement dealt with certain mortgage customers who were overcharged when they pai…
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Royal Bank Mortage Prepayment Penalties McCallum v. Royal Bank of Canada The class action group was successful in reaching a Canada-wide settlement regarding Royal Bank mortgage penalties in June of 1998. The settlement dealt with certain mortgage customers who were overcharged when they pai…
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ONHWP Furnaces Mid-Efficiency Furnaces ONHWP v. General Electric et al. A Settlement for owners of mid-efficiency furnaces which used plastic venting was reached in 2000. A total settlement value of approximately $10 million.
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ONHWP Furnaces Mid-Efficiency Furnaces ONHWP v. General Electric et al. A Settlement for owners of mid-efficiency furnaces which used plastic venting was reached in 2000. A total settlement value of approximately $10 million.
View the post titled ONHWP FurnaceCondominium Fireplace
Condominium Fireplace The class action suit involved various condominium corporations, namely 1096 Jalna Boulevard (144 units), 130 – 148 Conway Drive (161 units), 725 – 739 Deveron Crescent (192 units) and 2228 – 2230 Trafalgar Street (152 units). A settlement has been rea…
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