Navistar Reduced Post-Retirement Health Benefits Reble v. Navistar International Corporation Canada 1998 – Settlement for non-union retirees whose post-retirement health benefits were reduced was reached in 1998 against Navistar International Corporation Canada.
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Navistar Reduced Post-Retirement Health Benefits Reble v. Navistar International Corporation Canada 1998 – Settlement for non-union retirees whose post-retirement health benefits were reduced was reached in 1998 against Navistar International Corporation Canada.
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Krones Mass Termination – Wrongful Dismissal Smith v. Krones Machinery Company Ltd. A Settlement for damages for wrongful dismissal resulting from mass termination was reached against Krones Machinery Company Ltd. in 1999.
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Krones Mass Termination – Wrongful Dismissal Smith v. Krones Machinery Company Ltd. A Settlement for damages for wrongful dismissal resulting from mass termination was reached against Krones Machinery Company Ltd. in 1999.
View the post titled KronesLaidlaw
Laidlaw Siskinds commenced class proceedings in 1994 alleging breach of contract, negligent misrepresentation and misstatement against the Defendant, Laidlaw Carriers Inc., in relation to early retirement packages offered in 1988 to employees who, at that time, had more than 10 years of serv…
View the post titled LaidlawSodium èrythorbate
Sodium Erythorbate Sodium erythorbate is a chemical food ingredient preservative. It is used primarily to maintain colour and flavour in foods from meat and fish to fruits and vegetables. It is produced by fermentation of liquid corn sugar. It is alleged that more was paid for sodium erythor…
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Rubber Chemicals This class action alleges that the Defendants unlawfully conspired to fix, increase, and/or maintain prices in the market for Rubber Chemicals. The Plaintiffs allege that between July 1, 1995 and December 31, 2001, the Defendants participated in illegal and secretive meeting…
View the post titled Produits chimiquesFibres de polyester
Polyester Staple A class action was commenced in which it was alleged that certain manufacturers of Polyester Staple unlawfully conspired to fix prices and allocate markets for Polyester Staple. Damages were sought on behalf of all people who purchased Polyester Staple between at least Septe…
View the post titled Fibres de polyesterPolychloroprène (CR)
Polychloroprene (CR) This class action alleges that the Defendants unlawfully conspired to fix, increase, and/or maintain prices in the market for Polychloroprene (CR). The plaintiffs allege that from at least August 1999 until April 2002, the defendants and senior executives of the corporat…
View the post titled Polychloroprène (CR)Glutamate de sodium / nucléotides
MSG/Nucleotides A class action was commenced in which it was alleged that certain manufacturers of MSG and/or nucleotides unlawfully conspired to fix prices and allocate markets for nucleotides. Damages were sought on behalf of all people who purchased MSG and/or nucleotides or products cont…
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