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Published on: 17 Dec 2014 By

Contracts and the doctrine of good faith – A New Era

In Bhasin v Hrynew, the Supreme Court of Canada made a significant ruling regarding the duty of good faith in contract relationships. This will provide guidance to an area of Canadian law described as “piecemeal, unsettled and unclear.”. In this article, Cole Vegso provides a brief explanati…

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Published on: 11 Dec 2014 By

Balance needed in franchise laws, judicial process

As judges have taken a technical and pro-franchisee approach to the interpretation of Canada’s franchise legislation, most recent developments have not proven positive for franchisors, franchise lawyer Peter Dillon says in Corporate LiveWire’s Franchise Law 2014 Virtual Round Table. “This ha…

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Published on: 25 Nov 2014 By

What should you do if you’ve been injured outside of Ontario? An update on Club Resorts Ltd v Van Breda

Introduction A motor vehicle accident is a stressful event, but if you are involved in one outside of your home province it can be even more confusing. If legal action is necessary to get the compensation you deserve, it isn’t always immediately clear if you should sue in Ontario or in the p…

View the post titled What should you do if you’ve been injured outside of Ontario? An update on Club Resorts Ltd v Van Breda
Published on: 25 Nov 2014 By

Guardianship Applications and the Substitute Decisions Act

Usually, a power of attorney document will be used when a person becomes incapable. However, if that person did not have a power of attorney for property or personal care before they became incapable, a decision maker may have to be appointed by the court under the Substitute Decisions Act. …

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