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Published on: 16 Jan 2015 By

Chlorure de choline

Choline Chloride Conspiracy to fix the prices of Choline Chloride Settlement Notice: Settlements have been reached with some of the defendants in some of the Vitamins class actions across Canada. For more specific information on the settlements please visit our website at www.vitaminsclassac…

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Published on: 16 Jan 2015 By


PRODUITS DE CHOCOLAT Le recours collectif concernant les Produits de Chocolat allègue que les défendeurs ont comploté pour augmenter, fixer et/ou maintenir les prix auxquels les Produits de Chocolat ont été vendus au Canada. Le terme «Produits de Chocolat» désigne des produits de confiserie …

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Published on: 8 Jan 2015 By (Dianne Saxe)

Can purchaser of contaminated site sue neighbour?

The case is important because of the widespread (but, I think, mistaken) belief among some real estate solicitors and agents that a buyer can (knowingly or negligently) buy previously contaminated land and then sue the source of the contamination for the cost of cleaning up that pre-exist…

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