Another waste diversion victory: batteries
A Saxe Law Office client enjoyed another waste diversion victory last week, when Waste Diversion Ontario rejected a flawed battery recycling proposal by Call2Recycle.
View the post titled Another waste diversion victory: batteriesBalance needed in franchise laws, judicial process
As judges have taken a technical and pro-franchisee approach to the interpretation of Canada’s franchise legislation, most recent developments have not proven positive for franchisors, franchise lawyer Peter Dillon says in Corporate LiveWire’s Franchise Law 2014 Virtual Round Table. “This ha…
View the post titled Balance needed in franchise laws, judicial processPollution Probe Honours Dokis First Nation Power Project
Chief Denise Restoule of the Dokis First Nation attended the 2014 Pollution Probe Gala to accept Pollution Probe’s 2014 Sustainability Award in connection with the Okikendawt Project—a 10 MW hydroelectric facility being developed by the Dokis First Nation with Hydromega Services Inc. New wat…
View the post titled Pollution Probe Honours Dokis First Nation Power ProjectReducing confusion about Blue Box decision
the flaws in the rejected model are precisely why municipalities have received smaller payments since 2009. Now that this model has been discredited, municipalities will receive larger payments, just as they did in 2014
View the post titled Reducing confusion about Blue Box decisionMunicipalities awarded $115 MM for 2014 Blue Box
Stewardship Ontario must pay Ontario municipalities $115,172,322 for operating residential blue box programs in 2014, about $20 million more than Stewardship Ontario had proposed for 2014
View the post titled Municipalities awarded $115 MM for 2014 Blue BoxRegulators of fracking negligent? Case update
Protecting administrative tribunals and their members from liability for negligence in regulating fracking held to be constitutionally legitimate
View the post titled Regulators of fracking negligent? Case updateB.C. Court: No Abuse of Water Approvals for Fracking
Because fracking consumes a huge amount of water, Western Canada Wilderness Committee (WCWC) and the Sierra Club of B.C. recently challenged how the B.C. government grants water use approvals to oil and gas companies. The government gives a series of short term approvals for fracking, freque…
View the post titled B.C. Court: No Abuse of Water Approvals for FrackingWhat should you do if you’ve been injured outside of Ontario? An update on Club Resorts Ltd v Van Breda
Introduction A motor vehicle accident is a stressful event, but if you are involved in one outside of your home province it can be even more confusing. If legal action is necessary to get the compensation you deserve, it isn’t always immediately clear if you should sue in Ontario or in the p…
View the post titled What should you do if you’ve been injured outside of Ontario? An update on Club Resorts Ltd v Van BredaGuardianship Applications and the Substitute Decisions Act
Usually, a power of attorney document will be used when a person becomes incapable. However, if that person did not have a power of attorney for property or personal care before they became incapable, a decision maker may have to be appointed by the court under the Substitute Decisions Act. …
View the post titled Guardianship Applications and the Substitute Decisions ActCapacity and Powers of Attorney
When we speak about “capacity” in the legal sense, we are considering whether a person can make a decision in a certain set of circumstances and understand the consequences of making, or not making, the decision. The decision maker does not necessarily need to make the “best” or the “right” …
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