Port Authority biased in approving coal port?
This month, Ecojustice filed an application for judicial review of the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s decision to permit a coal transfer facility. They claim that the Port Authority failed to consider some environmental effects, including climate change, and that the decision of the…
View the post titled Port Authority biased in approving coal port?Urban Forests Across Canada Valued at $51B
TD Bank issued a report on September 24, 2014, providing an economic valuation of urban forests in the greater Halifax, Montreal and Vancouver areas, estimating that these forests contain more than 100 million trees which carry an estimated worth of $51 billion (Halifax: $11.5B; Montreal: $4…
View the post titled Urban Forests Across Canada Valued at $51BHerbicide Spray Drift a “Normal” Farm Practice?
Organic farmers in Nova Scotia filed a lawsuit against a neighbouring farm for damages allegedly caused by a herbicide which drifted onto their property. In particular, the plaintiffs claimed that the herbicide caused damage to their crops, the miscarriage of four horses, and personal injury…
View the post titled Herbicide Spray Drift a “Normal” Farm Practice?A Missed Opportunity: The Supreme Court Declines Leave to Appeal in Wakelam v. Wyeth Consumer Healthcare
The Supreme Court has declined leave to appeal in Wakelam v. Wyeth Consumer Healthcare. The decision means that the far-reaching findings of the British Columbia Court of Appeal in the areas of consumer protection, competition and restitution law, are permitted to stand. It also means that a…
View the post titled A Missed Opportunity: The Supreme Court Declines Leave to Appeal in Wakelam v. Wyeth Consumer HealthcareCan the threat of personal liability stop fluoridation?
Opponents of fluoridation have started to threaten councillors with personal liability for fluoridated water, in the hope of changing municipal policy on water treatment. The province created this problem, and they should fix it.
View the post titled Can the threat of personal liability stop fluoridation?Class Action for Harming Bees with Neonicotinoids
This is the first Canadian class action lawsuit filed for harm caused by Neonicotinoid pesticides, potentially responsible for the worldwide collapse of bee and other pollinator populations.
View the post titled Class Action for Harming Bees with NeonicotinoidsDianne is quoted in the Globe on Green Bonds
See Richard Blackwell’s interesting story about Solarshare and Green Bonds in today’s Globe and Mail.
View the post titled Dianne is quoted in the Globe on Green BondsPeter Dillon Speaks on Corporate LiveWire Round Table
Siskinds partner Peter Dillon joined seven other experts to discuss the latest changes and developments in Franchise Law around the world.View the virtual round table
View the post titled Peter Dillon Speaks on Corporate LiveWire Round TableCrowdfunding to defend anti-fracking bylaw
The tiny Québec village of Ristigouche-Sud-Est, population 168, is crowdfunding to pay for the defence of its anti-fracking by-law, intended to protect municipal drinking water. Ristigouche is reportedly one of more than 70 Québec municipalities that have adopted anti-fracking bylaws to prot…
View the post titled Crowdfunding to defend anti-fracking bylawThe Trillium Drug Program: Managing the Cost of Prescription Drugs
Serious financial issues arise out of serious injuries. Difficulties with income, money management, cost of care, and cost of medication, go hand in hand with serious injury, and an inability to work. In many instances Siskinds LLP represents individuals who have been seriously injured in an…
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