To go or not to go? Left turn obligations
We have all been on one side of this dilemma or the other. You are the first car at a traffic light, patiently waiting to turn left with a sea of opposing traffic approaching. The light turns green. Do you move into the intersection or not? Common practice falls into one of two scenarios: Sc…
View the post titled To go or not to go? Left turn obligationsEnvironment Ministry to loosen law for waste-based alternative fuels that displace coal
Kudos to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment for finally coming to grips, at least a little, with the adverse environmental and environmental effects of labeling too many productive activities as “waste disposal”. The ministry’s proposed regulatory changes will remove t…
View the post titled Environment Ministry to loosen law for waste-based alternative fuels that displace coalRehab First Breakfast Seminar Series Speech
On March 6th, Jim Mays gave a speech as part of the Rehabilitation First Breakfast Seminar Series. This article is a text of that speech. Jim joined Siskinds in 1987 and has been a Partner since 1992. He is the Personal Injury Practice Group leader. “I have to say that I feel a little bit...
View the post titled Rehab First Breakfast Seminar Series SpeechMore Ontario Statements of Environmental Values proposed
The Ontario Ministries of Rural Affairs and of Agriculture and Food have each proposed a draft Statement of Environmental Values under the Environmental Bill of Rights. The Ontario Environmental Commissioner has, for many years, called for all ministries who make decisions with significant e…
View the post titled More Ontario Statements of Environmental Values proposedSupreme Court of Canada gives Chevron permission to appeal Ecuador pollution decision
The Supreme Court of Canada has granted Chevron’s application for leave to appeal the Ontario Court of Appeal decision allowing Ecuadorian plaintiffs to sue here to try to collect their $18 billion Ecuador pollution judgment. According to a US court, that award was based on fraud. Our …
View the post titled Supreme Court of Canada gives Chevron permission to appeal Ecuador pollution decisionAnother fine for not reporting flyrock as environmental discharge
Last year, Castonguay Blasting lost its appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada against a conviction for failing to report flyrock as an environmental “discharge” under the Environmental Protection Act. Now they have been fined $75,000 for essentially the same offence on another oc…
View the post titled Another fine for not reporting flyrock as environmental dischargeUnderstanding Corporations
In Canada, there are many forms of business structures, including corporations, partnerships and sole proprietorships. As businesses commence operations, or grow and evolve, owners and managers need to determine which structure is appropriate. For those who are considering starting a busines…
View the post titled Understanding CorporationsGood news: clarity to come on single use battery “recycling” in Ontario
What should count as battery “recycling”? Is it good enough to melt single use batteries into nickel mill slag, which is put in roadbeds as “aggregate”? Or should we insist on up-cycling end of life batteries, i.e. carefully separating and reusing each of the hazardous components…
View the post titled Good news: clarity to come on single use battery “recycling” in OntarioFirst “climate refugee” case going to appeal in New Zealand
On 1st May, 2014, the New Zealand Court of Appeal will hear Ioane Teitiota’s claim to become the world’s first climate refugee. Mr. Teitota is from a remote atoll in the Pacific nation of Kiribati, one of the lowest-lying nations on Earth. He is trying to convince New Zealand jud…
View the post titled First “climate refugee” case going to appeal in New ZealandBlue Box arbitration: Third procedural victory for municipalities
Retired justice Robert Armstrong has given a third procedural victory to municipalities in the hotly disputed Blue Box funding arbitration. The Blue Box arbitration will now proceed, as scheduled, as a single hearing, instead of being broken up into parts, as stewards proposed: Bifurcation D…
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