Common Law Rights Are Not The Same As Rights Of Married Spouses
There are many misunderstandings about who is a “common law spouse” in Ontario, and what exactly this means. Many people believe that if they are in a common law relationship they have all the same rights that a married spouse has, when in reality they do not. The purpose of this article is …
View the post titled Common Law Rights Are Not The Same As Rights Of Married SpousesMacQueen class action struck out re Sydney Tar Ponds
The Nova Scotia Court of Appeal has struck out the groundbreaking class action that had been certified relating to contamination from the Sydney Tar Ponds and the associated steel and coke plants: MacQueen v. Ispat Sidbec Inc. This is another major setback to plaintiffs in contaminated land …
View the post titled MacQueen class action struck out re Sydney Tar PondsProposed Ontario Bill will Impact Unpaid Wages and Temporary Hiring Agencies
Bill 146, entitled “Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act,” was recently introduced into the Ontario Legislature by Yasir Naqvi, Minister of Labour for the governing Liberal party. Among other minor adjustments, the proposed changes would significantly increase employees’ ability to…
View the post titled Proposed Ontario Bill will Impact Unpaid Wages and Temporary Hiring AgenciesLawsuits for climate disasters?
Lawsuits against private firms for climate disaster compensation may not be winnable yet, but important groundwork is being laid. In groundbreaking peer-reviewed research, researcher Richard Heede of the Climate Accountability Institute offers the most complete picture to date of which insti…
View the post titled Lawsuits for climate disasters?Landmark lead paint abatement case decided in California
In a landmark lead paint liability case, the Superior Court of California has held three of five paint companies liable for public nuisance. The court ordered them to clean up lead paint in California residences painted before 1978, at a total cost of $1.15 billion. The use of lead in interi…
View the post titled Landmark lead paint abatement case decided in CaliforniaWithdrawal of Life Support: What does the Cuthbertson and Rubenfeld v. Rasouli decision mean for patients and families?
The family of a patient requiring life support struggles with painful decisions over life and death. The difficulty of these decisions is intensified when the patient’s substitute decision-maker (usually a close family member) and attending physicians disagree as to whether life sustaining m…
View the post titled Withdrawal of Life Support: What does the Cuthbertson and Rubenfeld v. Rasouli decision mean for patients and families?Ecojustice launches Northern Gateway lawsuit
Ecojustice has filed a lawsuit seeking a court order to force the Joint Review Panel to go back to the drawing board and remedy flaws in its final environmental assessment report on the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline. In December, the Joint Review panel recommended that the pipeline be a…
View the post titled Ecojustice launches Northern Gateway lawsuitGoodbye to Nanticoke, and all that coal
January 8 marked the last day of operation of the Nanticoke Generating Station, the last operating coal-fired electrical generating facility in southern Ontario. This latest shut down will help mark 2014 as the year Ontario will become a coal-free jurisdiction. Nanticoke was once the worst a…
View the post titled Goodbye to Nanticoke, and all that coalPublic Access to documents through the Environmental Registry
In two cases we blogged about last month (Brimley Progress v. Director, MOE and Environment Hamilton v. Director, MOE), the ERT found that the public should have access to the documents that support Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) applications, or form part of their the final ECAR…
View the post titled Public Access to documents through the Environmental RegistryStep-parents pay child support too
If you are a step-father or step-mother and your spousal relationship breaks down, you may be obligated to pay child support to your former spouse for the support of your step-child. In this article Nadine Russell looks at some of the factors the courts will consider when deciding whether or…
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