Tribunal cracks down on non-expert anti-wind “experts”
Ontario’s Environmental Review Tribunal approved another wind farm on December 24, 2013, in Bovaird v. Director, Ministry of the Environment. In addition to rejecting the Charter argument, described earlier this week, Bovaird was notable for a slightly tougher approach to witnesses who propo…
View the post titled Tribunal cracks down on non-expert anti-wind “experts”Disclose that contamination? Or not?
Owners of contaminated sites are sometimes reluctant to disclose what they know, hoping to get rid of the liability with the property. Anyone who is so tempted will want to follow what happens in 1623242 Ontario Inc. v. Great Lakes Copper Inc., 2013 ONSC 7935 and 2013 ONSC 2548. In this case…
View the post titled Disclose that contamination? Or not?Predatory Marriage: A Modern Day Marriage Trap
Predatory marriages are a developing phenomenon in Ontario. Predatory spouses take advantage of elderly victims and assume control of their financial affairs. This can have severe consequences for the victim and their family. Recently Canadian courts have taken a stricter stance on what sort…
View the post titled Predatory Marriage: A Modern Day Marriage TrapRuling: Wind turbine approvals comply with the Charter
While some people find wind turbines annoying, subjective annoyance is not so serious an infringement of personal security to constitute a breach of the Charter.
View the post titled Ruling: Wind turbine approvals comply with the CharterNot many sad court decisions are this entertaining
“As a liar, Singh demonstrated the skill of a five-year-old.” A recent Ontario court decision vividly describes how bad it can be for a trusting family to become entangled with a crook. And for a trial judge who must listen for years, with endless patience, to that crook. It is …
View the post titled Not many sad court decisions are this entertainingBlue box funding dispute goes to arbitration
Ontario’s municipalities and brand owners are taking their dispute over Blue Box funding to arbitration. Under the Waste Diversion Act, 2002, s. 25(5) stewards are supposed to pay 50% of the net costs incurred by municipalities. In previous years, the parties have negotiated the amount…
View the post titled Blue box funding dispute goes to arbitrationPublic access to approvals documents at Environmental Tribunal – Part 2
As mentioned in our previous post, there is a limited right of public access to approvals documents that are part of an application for an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA), or are part of the ECA itself, during an application for leave to appeal that ECA to the Environmental Review Tr…
View the post titled Public access to approvals documents at Environmental Tribunal – Part 2Court of Appeal confirms that civil damages for bodily harm intentionally inflicted cannot be discharged by bankruptcy.
Rasha El-Tawil and Michael Polvere argued a successful appeal before the Court of Appeal for Ontario in Dickerson v. 1610396 Ontario Inc. and Radcliffe, 2013 ONCA 653 (MacFarland, Watt and Epstein, JJ.A.), regarding the application of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act on damages suffered for…
View the post titled Court of Appeal confirms that civil damages for bodily harm intentionally inflicted cannot be discharged by bankruptcy.A film that is worth your time
Congratulations to Canadian filmmaker, Rob Stewart, for his moving and urgent film, Revolution. Click here for the trailer. It is focused on the fast -moving threat of ocean acidification, and features spectacular underwater photography. The film came out in the spring, but I did not have a …
View the post titled A film that is worth your timeLove Canal, 35 years later
Why do we spend so much time and money on invisible contamination underground? One of the big reasons is the sickness and death at Love Canal. For those who don’t remember, Living on Earth has a retrospective. We needed to act. Did we overreact?
View the post titled Love Canal, 35 years laterReceive Blog Posts
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