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Published on: 18 Aug 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Your Uninsurable Home? What is climate change’s wild weather doing to insurance?

Across Canada, this year has brought severe storms, floods, wildfires and other catastrophic weather. As people in Calgary, Toronto and other hard hit areas try to rebuild their lives, most of them expect that someone should help them pay for the damage. Oil-rich Alberta has promised $1 bill…

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Published on: 8 Aug 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

City of Toronto announces Morton Shulman Avenue

Today, the City of Toronto will unveil a very short new street. Morton Shulman Avenue leads south from Wilson to the exciting new Forensic Sciences Centre and Coroner’s Complex that will open this fall. This LEED Silver building will bring together the Ontario Forensic Pathology Servic…

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Published on: 7 Aug 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

$40,000 fine for asbestos and other waste offences

KNR Landfill Managers Inc., based at the controversial Vaughan transfer station, operate a landfill in Cayuga, Ontario (perhaps the controversial Edward Street landfill that was rebuilt and reopened several years ago.) They were fined $40,000, plus victim fine surcharges of $10,000, for fail…

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Published on: 6 Aug 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Fish farm company silences activist opponent with defamation order

The BC Court of Appeal has ordered well-known anti-fish farm activist Don Staniford to pay $75,000 in damages because the mock cigarette packages he had made criticizing Norwegian-owned fish farm companies lacked footnotes or other appropriate citations. The court also granted a permanent in…

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Published on: 2 Aug 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

The silence of the bees – Nix the neonics! Sign the petition…

Bees are dying; we can do something about it. Three thousand or so registered beekeepers manage around 100,000 honeybee colonies in Ontario. In the spring of 2012, bees began to die in record numbers. No one knows, for sure, what’s killing the bees, but one class of pesticides is likely part…

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