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Published on: 11 Apr 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

So you want to be an environmental lawyer…

At least once a month, a lawyer or law student asks us for help getting into environmental law. Our reaction is bittersweet. On one hand, it is exciting and reassuring that so many talented young people want to devote their professional lives to environmental protection. On the other hand, t…

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Published on: 10 Apr 2013 By

Imminent extinction of sage-grouse a red flag: oil wins in Canada, not environment

In ecology, an “indicator species” can act a red flag that environmental conditions are deteriorating. When the population of the indicator species declines, biologists who are monitoring the situation get a red flag that something is wrong. The pending extinction of the sage-gro…

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Published on: 9 Apr 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Shooting the messenger- National Roundtable on Environment and Economy

The National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) was created 25 years ago to advise the Canadian government how to achieve a sustainable economy.  It operated as an arm’s length policy advisory agency with multi-stakeholder, cross Canada representation. The NRTEE took its j…

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Published on: 9 Apr 2013 By (Dianne Saxe)

Is the 310 Waste garbage fire case over again?

In the fall of 2004, there was a terrible garbage fire at a grossly overloaded waste transfer site on Keele Street in Vaughan, Ontario. The fire burned for days, sending choking smoke through neighbouring residences and schools. Huge amounts of public and private money were spent to fight th…

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Published on: 3 Apr 2013 By

First Decision on the Minor Injuries Guideline released by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario

Siskinds Partner Emily Foreman assesses and explains the first arbitration decision relating to the new  Minor Injuries Guideline that has been released by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario.   Emily explains what the MIG is, how it classifies injured persons and the benefits they …

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