It is now an environmental offence to kill birds with buildings
Ecojustice has done another important public service by prosecuting Cadillac Fairview for slaughtering migratory birds, including endangered species, with a particularly lethal set of mirrored buildings, the Yonge Corporate Centre (“YCC”) office buildings in Toronto. According to Judge Melvy…
View the post titled It is now an environmental offence to kill birds with buildingsUnderstanding Legal Costs
When clients first become involved in a legal action, many are confused about how the civil legal system works and whether or not they could be subjected to paying the other party’s costs. Every situation is different, but in Ontario it is the usual practice for the loser to pay the winner’s…
View the post titled Understanding Legal CostsGolf club fined for taking too much water, providing false records
Mitchell Golf & Country Club Inc. and Alfred John Schmoelzl, its employee, were fined $30,000 (plus 25% victim fine surcharge) for breaching the company’s permit to take water from the North Thames River in West Perth, contrary to the Ontario Water Resources Act. Based on water level da…
View the post titled Golf club fined for taking too much water, providing false recordsSiskinds’ generosity once again surpasses expectations!
Siskinds’ 2012 United Way Campaign was a resounding success, thanks to the hard work of the fundraising committee and the generosity of our staff and lawyers. Siskinds has always been a strong supporter of the United Way, but the firm’s profile in the campaign was particularly high this year…
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The Pembina Institute think tank has issued a report on the opportunities and challenges facing Canada in the global transition to clean energy — a market set to grow to $3 trillion by 2020. Competing in Clean Energy: Capitalizing on Canadian innovation in a $3 trillion economy concludes tha…
View the post titled Pembina Report: Competing in Clean EnergyAnnual review of insolvency law: Why Abitibi rule is backwards
Dianne Saxe gave a well received presentation on the Abitibi case at the Annual Review of Insolvency Law in Montréal during the big snowstorm. In essence, Dianne believes that the Supreme Court’s decision, that the provincial environmental orders were subject to federal insolvency rule…
View the post titled Annual review of insolvency law: Why Abitibi rule is backwardsBig fine for dumping waste cooking oil sludge
Green Diesel Canada Ltd. processes waste cooking oil, which generates an oil sludge requiring proper disposal. On two occasions, thousands of litres of an oily substance were found in a local ditch, which led to a creek that flows into Lake Ontario. The City of Hamilton cleaned up the mess b…
View the post titled Big fine for dumping waste cooking oil sludgeFour Ways to Be a Better Neighbour: London By-Laws and How They Affect You
Although most of us are lucky enough to live next door to reasonable and friendly people, living in a City means that sometimes we get in each other’s way. If you are building a fence, have a dog or a pool or are planning a big backyard party there are some rules and by-laws you...
View the post titled Four Ways to Be a Better Neighbour: London By-Laws and How They Affect YouOstrander Point, wind and birds: is it different?
There definitely are places where renewable energy projects should not go. The Prince Edward County Field Naturalists wants me, and you, to know why they think Ostrander Point is one of them, and why wind turbines should not be built there, of all places. This is not about the nocebo effect,…
View the post titled Ostrander Point, wind and birds: is it different?Anti-wind litigation: is there an end in sight?
After nearly two years of vigorous anti-wind litigation in Ontario, anti-wind activists have failed to satisfy any court or tribunal that wind energy development in accordance with government standards will cause serious harm. Many wind projects have been approved, and wind-based electrical …
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