Australian Parliament Senate rejects anti-wind bill, notes nocebo effect
An anti-wind nocebo response is developing, caused by the reproduction and dissemination of claims about adverse health impacts – claims not grounded in the peer-reviewed literature
View the post titled Australian Parliament Senate rejects anti-wind bill, notes nocebo effectAbitibi wins, Newfoundland cleanup order unenforceable after insolvency
Provincial governments must do more to ensure that cleanup costs are provided by financial assurance during the active life of a business, and not rely on getting innocent third parties to pay for cleanups after the fact.
View the post titled Abitibi wins, Newfoundland cleanup order unenforceable after insolvencyA reader writes about environmental management systems
Dear Dianne Saxe, I read some of your postings this am. I cannot help but think that if robust, credible and reliable EMS (aligned to ISO 14001) were more wide spread that some of these challenges could have been avoided. Not only would they have avoided the environmental damage, but the fin…
View the post titled A reader writes about environmental management systemsNew voluntary standard for carbon storage
The Canadian Standards Association has released a voluntary standard for the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide, CSA Z741. The CSA Z741 Geological storage of carbon dioxide standard is the first of its kind, and is intended to ensure a clear minimum standard for geologic (long-term, underg…
View the post titled New voluntary standard for carbon storageWhen can municipalities regulate environmental impacts?
Eleven years after the landmark Spraytech case, how far have municipalities been able to go in regulating environmental impacts of federally and provincially regulated activities? The people who must live closest to a resource or energy project often turn to their municipalities to protect t…
View the post titled When can municipalities regulate environmental impacts?Siskinds LLP files new class action concerning Poseidon Concepts Corp.
The action alleges, among other things, that the defendants made statements that were materially false and misleading regarding Poseidon Concepts’ financial position, financial performance and cash flows, overstated the company’s incomes and reported inflated assets. For more information or …
View the post titled Siskinds LLP files new class action concerning Poseidon Concepts Corp.New Guidance for Excess Soil management
The Ministry of the Environment has released its draft Best Management Practices for Soil Management in Ontario for two more months of public comment. The document outlines the MOE’s “recommendations” and “expectations” for managing the reuse of excess soils, a hugely important issue for the…
View the post titled New Guidance for Excess Soil managementCanada must answer: why aren't we protecting polar bears?
As the polar bears of the Beaufort Sea face record low ice, the Secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) has issued a determination, requiring a response from Canada to submission SEM-11-003 (Protection of Polar Bears). A year ago, on 5 December 2011, the US Center f…
View the post titled Canada must answer: why aren't we protecting polar bears?Enforcing the Mandatory FSCO Mediation Timeline
On November 29, 2012, the Ontario Court of Appeal took a welcomed position by the personal injury bar concerning the statutory scheme for mandatory mediation under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule, O. Reg. 34/10 (“SABS”). In Hurst v. Aviva Insurance Company, 2012 ONCA 837, the questi…
View the post titled Enforcing the Mandatory FSCO Mediation TimelineCombined sewer overflows into Great Lakes going down
This month’s issue of Water Canada has some good news about what has been done to cut the flow of untreated sewage into the Great Lakes over the last 40 years. “Curbing the Flow” chronicles the steps that have been taken to slash raw and combined sewer overflows in four Can…
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