Fewer oil tanker spills in 2011
In 2011, oil tankers spilt less oil than ever before since records began, according to the excellent International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation. There were only four medium sized spills and one large one, for a total of about 1,000 tonnes. Better ships (with double hulls), better equip…
View the post titled Fewer oil tanker spills in 2011Siskinds LLP files new class action concerning Hyundai / Kia for misrepresenting fuel efficiency.
The class action alleges that Canadians who bought a Hyundai or Kia automobile between 2010 and 2013 are not getting the fuel efficiency numbers they were promised, and that they therefore overpaid for the vehicles and continue to overpay every time they fill up with gas. To read the full C…
View the post titled Siskinds LLP files new class action concerning Hyundai / Kia for misrepresenting fuel efficiency.An introduction to the law of noise pollution
Dianne gave a well received introduction to the law of noise pollution at the Ontario Bar Association’s Halloween breakfast. Topics included what is noise, who regulates it, how the Environmental Protection Act applies, enforcement under the EPA, bylaws and the OMB, and civil suits fo…
View the post titled An introduction to the law of noise pollutionCIC Press Release on Reducing Immigration Backlogs New Blog Post by Glenn Matthews
Glenn Matthews recounts the new press release by the CIC about the large backlogs that have been developing in many categories. Read the full blog post here.
View the post titled CIC Press Release on Reducing Immigration Backlogs New Blog Post by Glenn MatthewsLawyer Sajjad Nematollahi with Siskinds LLP Ranked AmongTop 10 Iranian Lawyers on Twitter
Sajjad Nematollahi ranked among top 10 Iranian Lawyers on Twitter as assembled by Iranianlawyers.com. Follow Sajjad at @snematollahi on Twitter.
View the post titled Lawyer Sajjad Nematollahi with Siskinds LLP Ranked AmongTop 10 Iranian Lawyers on TwitterUtah latest US state to mandating disclosure of fracking chemicals
On October 24, the Utah Board of Oil, Gas and Mining approved a new rule requiring companies to use FracFocus, the US’s national hydraulic fracturing chemical registry, to report the amount and types of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) to produce oil and gas. Seven other s…
View the post titled Utah latest US state to mandating disclosure of fracking chemicalsProtecting Your Brand
Stacey Bothwell asks the question, “Are you protecting your brand properly? How do you distinguish your goods and services from others in the marketplace? Is it a quirky logo? Is it a coined word? Is it a piece of property that you have adequately protected? Are you protecting your b…
View the post titled Protecting Your BrandEmployees Have Right To Privacy On Work Computers New Blog post by Andrea Bezaire
Andrea Bezaire writes a new blog post “Employees Have Right to Privacy On Work Computers” which takes an in depth look at the recent Supreme Court of Canada ruling which upheld that employees have a right to privacy on work computers in R. v. Cole and how this ruling will effect employers an…
View the post titled Employees Have Right To Privacy On Work Computers New Blog post by Andrea BezaireEnforcement of PCB Regulations ramping up
Environment Canada is ramping up its enforcement of the federal PCB regulations. Surprisingly, they are finding illegal PCBs in municipal facilities. This could have serious consequences for municipalities, and for the individuals in charge.
View the post titled Enforcement of PCB Regulations ramping upNew Canadian environmental assessments exclude stakeholders and issues
The new standing rules in the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, have now been interpreted the first two times, with contradictory results. The Prosperity Mine panel, in BC, has wisely interpreted the new standing rules broadly, including experts, Non-Governmental Organizations, Fi…
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