Citizen science: Home spectrometer and Big Data
Do it yourself spectrometer? Cell phone spectrometer add ons? Do it yourself aerial mapping with balloons and kites? Environmental data collection with citizen science devices could fill in some of the gaps created by government cutbacks, especially if combined with the NEON Big Data project.
View the post titled Citizen science: Home spectrometer and Big DataCan biased sampling create hazardous waste?
One of our current cases deals with a question that is critical to everyone in the waste business: can biased sampling make a non-hazardous waste “hazardous”?
View the post titled Can biased sampling create hazardous waste?Surging climate change: Record low ice and crop failure, who cares?
What will it take for climate change to become an election issue? Ok, lots of people don’t understand why the rapid disappearance of Arctic ice to its record low (and still melting) matters to them. (For a quick summary, try Why Arctic Ice Matters and the Arctic Ice Death Spiral. Accor…
View the post titled Surging climate change: Record low ice and crop failure, who cares?Contaminated site lawsuit: How not to win
Owners of a contaminated site are often too optimistic about their “rights” to compensation. Sometimes, chasing compensation for contamination just throws good money after bad. For example, Terrim Properties Ltd. wanted to build a gaming centre in Castlegar, B.C. Their loan fell…
View the post titled Contaminated site lawsuit: How not to winManaging fill: when is surplus soil “waste”, and where can it go?
Soil movement is big business in Ontario, involving perhaps 170 million tonnes/ year, and adding about 15% to infrastructure costs. Last year’s changes to the contaminated sites regulation Reg. 153/04 have made soil movement more difficult and expensive than ever, and further cost increases …
View the post titled Managing fill: when is surplus soil “waste”, and where can it go?Sustainable remediation: what is the status?
The United Kingdom program, Contaminated Land: Applications in Real Environments, provides excellent resources on contaminated site remediation. One of their contributors, the University of Cambridge, is now seeking input on sustainable remediation. Study participants will receive the final report.
View the post titled Sustainable remediation: what is the status?Environmental Review Tribunal appeal notices must be complete
The Environmental Review Tribunal has dismissed an anti-wind appeal, because the neighbours opposed to the project did not file a proper notice of appeal: Ball v. Director. Several appeals were also dismissed in Monture v. Ontario, Ministry of the Environment, because the notices of appeal w…
View the post titled Environmental Review Tribunal appeal notices must be completeIs There Such A Thing As A Legal Separation?
Often I hear the term bandied about by people who are separated that they need to get a “legal separation”. This term is a misnomer. In our statutes which govern separation and divorce there is no such term. A couple is separated when at least of one of them have expressed their intention to…
View the post titled Is There Such A Thing As A Legal Separation?New Canadian environmental assessment: a rose by any other name?
Officially, the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, has abolished most federal environmental assessment screenings, but the practical effect is less than it appears. Parks Canada, for example, has simply replaced the old Canadian Environmental Assessment Act process with its new, …
View the post titled New Canadian environmental assessment: a rose by any other name?Isn't summer fabulous?
We, at Saxe Law Office, hope you are all taking a little time to enjoy Canada’s fabulous outdoors. There will be lots of cold, grey and wet ahead. Happy summer!
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