Damages for senior plaintiffs—the Golden Years Doctrine
Calculating damages for pain and suffering is not a straightforward analysis for a judge or jury. There are a number of factors that are considered when determining the amount. Specifically, Courts have grappled with how to effectively assess such an award in cases dealing with senior plaint…
View the post titled Damages for senior plaintiffs—the Golden Years DoctrineReceiving an inheritance while on the Ontario Disability Support Program
Receiving an inheritance, either as a beneficiary under a Will or through the proceeds of life insurance, while on Ontario Disability Support (“ODSP”) can require some additional steps and planning to avoid a loss of benefits. Since ongoing qualification for ODSP benefits is based on a finan…
View the post titled Receiving an inheritance while on the Ontario Disability Support ProgramHow does Wordle save my stats?
If you guessed cookies, you’re wrong. Wordle saves your stats onto your browser’s local storage. Wordle does not use cookies to save your stats. However, you may be wondering, what are cookies and how are they different from your local storage? Before I explain the difference between the two…
View the post titled How does Wordle save my stats?Getting it right in Ontario courts’ treatment of honoraria – Doucet and Redublo
In the event of a successful monetary settlement in a class proceeding, courts may order that additional compensation, in the form of a payment called an honorarium, be paid to a representative plaintiff who has meaningfully contributed to advancing litigation on behalf of the class. Honorar…
View the post titled Getting it right in Ontario courts’ treatment of honoraria – Doucet and RedubloGet your expert reports in on time, or else!
Litigation is complicated. There are many rules, procedures and bureaucratic hoops you need to jump through to get your day in court. Hiring competent lawyers to help you resolve your legal issue is by far the best way to navigate this complicated system. Civil litigation specialists are fam…
View the post titled Get your expert reports in on time, or else!Choosing representation when you are injured
Being injured in an accident is stressful. Your focus should be on rest and recovery, but there are appointments to attend, forms to fill out, and calls coming in from your insurance company. You may consider hiring a lawyer to ease some of the burden. Before you do, there are some things to…
View the post titled Choosing representation when you are injuredHow binding is a non-solicitation clause?
Non-competition clauses are restrictive covenants that courts often deem unenforceable. But what about non-solicitation clauses? Are non-solicitation clauses strictly controlled? What is a non-solicitation clause vs. a non-competition clause? A non-solicitation clause restricts an employee, …
View the post titled How binding is a non-solicitation clause?First reported decision on s. 29.1 of the amended CPA – Bourque v Insight Productions
In Bourque v Insight Productions, Justice Belobaba applied section 29.1 of the amended Class Proceedings Act, 1992 (“CPA”), dismissing a putative class action for delay. Section 29.1 provides that, on a motion, the court must dismiss a putative class proceeding for delay unless, by the first…
View the post titled First reported decision on s. 29.1 of the amended CPA – Bourque v Insight ProductionsWhat is on-premises software and how is it different from cloud computing?
If you’re starting a software company, you’re probably wondering whether you should (a) distribute the software to your end-user; or (b) run the software from the cloud while providing the end user log-in credentials to remotely access the software. This is one of the existential questions p…
View the post titled What is on-premises software and how is it different from cloud computing?What can I do if I disagree with a class action settlement?
Class actions are regularly resolved by way of settlement. Unlike settlements in other types of litigation, class action settlements must be approved by the court. Once approved, the settlement is binding on all class members who did not opt-out of the action. Prior to the settlement approva…
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