Siskinds was presenting sponsor for London Health Sciences Foundation 24th annual Country Classic Auction held November 5th with more than 1,000 people in attendance.
A surprise appearance by the Barenaked Ladies delighted the crowd. For further information about the event click here:
View the post titled Siskinds was presenting sponsor for London Health Sciences Foundation 24th annual Country Classic Auction held November 5th with more than 1,000 people in attendance.Farmer goes to jail
John Boonstra, a cattle farmer in Smithers, British Columbia, was sentenced on October 11, 2011, to three days jail time, one day for each charge under section 79.6 of the Fisheries Act.
View the post titled Farmer goes to jailOntario flurry of convictions
In a typical year, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment launches about 150 to 175 prosecutions. About 75% of them are resolved by guilty pleas; about 5% are acquitted at trial; about 10% are convicted of something at trial; about 10% are withdrawn. Thus, we expect to hear about 12 or so c…
View the post titled Ontario flurry of convictionsConsequences of Fukushima continue to grow
Excellent updates on the impact of the nuclear disaster are posted at
View the post titled Consequences of Fukushima continue to growLead from airplanes still widespread
In 2003, Friends of the Earth petitioned the US EPAto get lead out of aviation gasoline. While there had been much discussion about taking lead out of racing vehicle gasoline, aviation gasoline actually releases much more lead into the environment than racing.
View the post titled Lead from airplanes still widespreadMichaud v Sun Corp
Michaud v. Sun Corp. is a civil action that has been commenced in the Ontario Superior Court by a neighbour of the Kent Breeze Wind Farm. Unlike the Hanna and Erickson cases, which unsuccessfully attempted to prevent the permitting of wind projects, the Michaud case seeks damages and an inju…
View the post titled Michaud v Sun CorpMore thinking about Smith v Inco
We continue to mull over Smith v. Inco, and the major implications that has for virtually all cases involving Rylands v. Fletcher, and for a significant number of nuisance cases. Watch our video on the case, made in cooperation with Nimonik. Then please let us know what you think.
View the post titled More thinking about Smith v IncoSupreme Court of Canada eliminates “double jeopardy” for employers in human rights cases.
Sometimes we management-side labour/employment lawyers get a little discouraged by case law which can, on occasion, seem to favour employees. But once in a while there’s good news and it is particularly good when it comes from the Supreme Court of Canada. Last week, the SCC strongly reaffi…
View the post titled Supreme Court of Canada eliminates “double jeopardy” for employers in human rights cases.Lead: Another reason to worry about car races
Exposure to lead from competition vehicle emissions is a health concern for people who live near and/or attend races.
View the post titled Lead: Another reason to worry about car racesEnvironmental Compliance Approvals start today
The new environmental compliance approvals regime starts today in Ontario. Most outstanding applications for certificates of approval will be automatically converted into applications for the new ECA, environmental compliance approval.
View the post titled Environmental Compliance Approvals start todayReceive Blog Posts
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