How much can municipalities regulate boat use?
Québec’s Court of Appeal has struck down part of a municipal by-law that impinged on the public right of navigation, an area where only the federal government has jurisdiction to make laws. As we noted in an earlier blog post, St.-Adolphe d’Howard’s by-law prevented non-residents from using …
View the post titled How much can municipalities regulate boat use?How good is our blog?
How good is our blog? The best indicator is our CLAWBIE (Canadian legal blog award). But I was also glad to learn more about our Page Rank (PR). Page Rank is Google’s ranking system that indicates how authoritative and credible a website is.
View the post titled How good is our blog?Big odour fine
Halton Recycling Ltd. is an organic waste recycler that was the subject of a large number of odour complaints. It was charged with two counts of discharging odour into the environment which adversely affected its neighbours. The company was also charged with failing to have all recyclables b…
View the post titled Big odour fineA fun thing to do- and useful
This is the last week to vote in the first round of the ClimateSpark contest for the best environmental/ climate change social projects in Toronto. This important local initiative will distribute over $50,000 in prizes, and there are lots of intriguing candidates, including several that I…
View the post titled A fun thing to do- and usefulGovernment support, the tar sands, and the CEN
The Canadian Environmental Network, a central body that coordinates over 600 environmental groups, may not be around much longer. Environment Minister Peter Kent recently announced that the Federal Government will no longer be providing the funding that has always made up the bulk of the CEN…
View the post titled Government support, the tar sands, and the CENClass action upswing behind OSC settlement shift?
The Financial Post reports on Ontario Securities Commission’s new proposed policy.To read the full story, please visit
View the post titled Class action upswing behind OSC settlement shift?Off shore wind lawsuit
Before the election, the McGuinty government put a moratorium on offshore wind projects, claiming that further research was needed. Now, one of the companies that planned to build an off-shore wind farm in Lake Ontario is suing for compensation.
View the post titled Off shore wind lawsuitDatabase of checklists
Nimonik has launched a valuable database of checklists for many industrial purposes at The checklists vary from 5S quality standards to safety inspections and environmental legal requirements. They are soliciting additional contributions. Isn’t it hard t…
View the post titled Database of checklistsClass action filed against Armtec in Quebec alleging breach of securities laws.
The Canadian Business reports on Siskinds filing a class action in the Quebec Superior Court against Armtec Infrastructure Inc. .To read full article, click here.
View the post titled Class action filed against Armtec in Quebec alleging breach of securities laws.Welcome, Jim Bradley, Minister of Environment
Welcome back (after 21 years) to Jim Bradley, perhaps the best environment minister we’ve ever had.
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