Drat those barrels
Tonda Construction Limited was fined $25,000 and Nethercott Excavating Limited was fined $8,000, because an unlicenced hauler took old barrels and contaminated soils for (otherwise) lawful disposal.
View the post titled Drat those barrelsGuidance re surplus construction soil
Looking for some good precedents on careful management of surplus soil from construction sites? The European Union Waste Framework Directive (Directive 2008/98 EC) requires that all surplus soil from all construction sites be treated as waste, whether contaminated or not, but several jurisdi…
View the post titled Guidance re surplus construction soilHow fish farms can hurt wild salmon
Here in Ontario, we are hearing almost nothing from the British Columbia Cohen Commission inquiry into the decline of sockeye salmon, whose final report will not be released until next June. It was therefore fascinating, and horrifying, to discover Alexandra Morton’s blog on the eviden…
View the post titled How fish farms can hurt wild salmonNew Industrial Waste Surcharge Agreements – fair?
The City of Toronto is demanding that local industries sign a draconian new form of 2012 Waste Discharge Agreement, to come into force on January 1, 2012. Unfortunately, the proposed agreement could seriously prejudice any organization that signs it. For example, it gives the City the right …
View the post titled New Industrial Waste Surcharge Agreements – fair?Grassy Narrows victory and renewable energy
The Grassy Narrows First Nation has won an important legal victory, affecting Ontario lands north of the English River, the “Keewatin Lands”. After 11 years of litigation, they have succeeded in obtaining a ruling that the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) had no right to issue fores…
View the post titled Grassy Narrows victory and renewable energyStatoil to plead guilty to oilsands offences
Statoil, the 2/3 state-owned Norwegian oil company, is well known for promising to develop the oil sands sustainably. This fall, it will plead guilty to charges relating to its Alberta oil sands project.[1]
View the post titled Statoil to plead guilty to oilsands offencesThank you, Jack
Thank you for the wise and inspiring words in Jack Layton’s final letter: Canada is a great country, one of the hopes of the world.
View the post titled Thank you, JackRenewable energy approvals
The Ministries of Environment and Natural Resources continue to elaborate their rules for renewable energy approvals, for wind, solar and biomass projects.
View the post titled Renewable energy approvalsHow green is my carpet?
Are carpets safe? It depends on the person, on the carpet and on how you look after it.
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