Worried about wind?
So much misinformation has been spread about wind turbines that many reasonable people don’t know what to think. As one reader wrote: “Hi Dianne, … I wondered if you could direct me to reliable sources on the benefits / risks of Wind Turbines. I live in West Grey with lots of wind, bu…
View the post titled Worried about wind?Hanna leave to appeal denied
On Monday, the Ontario Court of Appeal denied Ian Hanna’s request for leave to appeal the decision of the Divisional Court, which unanimously rejected his attempt to prevent Ontario from issuing renewable energy approvals for large wind turbines. Judges Goudge, MacFarland and Watt ord…
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Decades after the adoption of the Canadian Charter of Rights, and Freedoms, and after thousands of Miranda warnings on TV, most Canadians think they have a right to remain silent when the government comes after them. To some extent, this is true–people pulled off the street by uniformed poli…
View the post titled More on Can they make you talk?Nuisance, GHG and climate change
Today, the US Supreme Court reversed the groundbreaking decision, Connecticut v. American Power, which had allowed states, New York City and private land trusts to sue major greenhouse gas producers in nuisance, whether or not their emissions breached federal statute law.
View the post titled Nuisance, GHG and climate changePAPER financing for energy conservation
Some form of municipal financing that runs with the land has tremendous potential to accelerate energy conservation and green energy retrofits for existing buildings. The David Suzuki Foundation has published a detailed report on one such concept, Property Assessed Payments for Energy Retrof…
View the post titled PAPER financing for energy conservationNew brownfield cleanup standards- what dates?
Under regulation 153/04, the benchmark for contaminated site cleanups in Ontario has, since October 1, 2004, been the Soil, Ground Water and Sediment Standards for Use under Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act, March 9, 2004. This standard becomes obsolete July 1, 2011, when subs…
View the post titled New brownfield cleanup standards- what dates?EMF pollution from transmission lines?
While the Hearing Officer accepts that a cautious approach should be taken respecting [EMF], none of the Appellants adduced any evidence to establish any basis for these concerns. The evidence adduced by HONI clearly indicates that there is no significant impact of EMF on wildlife or hum…
View the post titled EMF pollution from transmission lines?Bruce to Milton transmission line progress
One of Ontario’s most promising areas for wind power development is the Bruce Peninsula. However, renewable energy development on the peninsula has been severely constrained by Ontario’s contractual commitment to devote most of the existing transmission capacity to the Bruce nucl…
View the post titled Bruce to Milton transmission line progressDemand-side management goes to court
Pollution Probe is taking the Ontario Energy Board to court over demand-side management (DSM) for gas utilities. DSM refers to programs that utilities use to assist and encourage their customers to conserve. For example, electric utilities use DSM programs to encourage customers to use less …
View the post titled Demand-side management goes to courtHave taxpayers “had it” with Union tactics and benefits?
How times have changed! Back in the dark ages of my youth, we took postal strikes for granted. Every few years, the posties got restless and our Sears catalogue was delayed for a week or two. Unless it was the Wish Book, most people pretty much took it in stride. Not so today. Judging by...
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