Having trouble getting our blog?
Many of you rely on our weekly mail out of blog headlines, instead of the daily RSS feed. For that weekly e-mail, we rely on the wonderful software, Dada Mail. Unfortunately, the author of that software is now racing his bicycle across North America on a 2750 mile mountain bicycle race, an…
View the post titled Having trouble getting our blog?Legal wastewater samples
Samples that are not properly taken, recorded, handled and analyzed are useless in court, and can lead to unjustified enforcement proceedings. The Canadian Water and Wastewater Association has released a useful Guideline on Sampling, Handling, Transporting, and Analyzing Legal Wastewater Sam…
View the post titled Legal wastewater samplesThree questions for PLCs
Here are three key questions that could improve the functioning of any Public Liaison Committee about a controversial facility. PLCs often get bogged down in attack and defence, with the facility operator trying to defend itself by controlling information, and aggrieved neighbours trying to …
View the post titled Three questions for PLCsEnergy conservation plans for public agencies
A proposed regulation under the Green Energy Act, 2009 (section 6) would require public agencies (i.e. Municipalities, Universities/Colleges, Schools, Hospitals) to submit annual energy consumption and building characteristic info as outlined in the proposed template. In addition, these publ…
View the post titled Energy conservation plans for public agenciesWind Power & Human Health Scientific Forum
Infrasound from wind turbines is not a health problem.
View the post titled Wind Power & Human Health Scientific ForumClimate prospects ever bleaker
Energy-related carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions in 2010 were the highest in history
View the post titled Climate prospects ever bleakerRed tape, green economy?
Some federal Conservatives are reportedly interested in finding “red tape obstacles to a green economy”. At one level, this is good news; I’m glad to hear of any government trying to build a green economy. The International Energy Agency issued an extraordinarily bleak report last week abou…
View the post titled Red tape, green economy?Ride for Heart
Thank you to everyone who sponsored me for today’s bike Ride for Heart. Heart disease and stroke is the leading cause of death in Ontario, and is responsible for 1 of 3 deaths per year across Canada. Our family was very proud to make a contribution to stroke prevention and treatment re…
View the post titled Ride for HeartTransit, loss, and compensation
Our column in today’s award-winning SLAW revisits the Heyes case. “Public works often impose heavy losses on those in private property nearby. Under what circumstances should they be compensated? That should have been the question in Heyes v. Vancouver, now Susan Heyes Inc. (Haz…
View the post titled Transit, loss, and compensationSLAPPS, wind and libel chill
We really need legislation to stop SLAPPs. According to the Ontario Anti-SLAPP panel report: “Strategic litigation against public participation (SLAPP) has been defined as a lawsuit initiated against one or more individuals or groups that speak out or take a position on an issue of pub…
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