Drive Clean relaxes a bit
Ontario is proposing changes to the Drive Clean auto emission testing program. The changes would exempt all vehicles–cars, trucks and busses—less than 7 years old from being tested as part of their registration renewal. Any vehicle plated as historic would be exempted too (Vehicles pla…
View the post titled Drive Clean relaxes a bitClimate change a breach of public trust?
Attorneys representing groups of one or more children and young adults are filing legal actions against the US government, all 50 states, and the District of Columbia, in which they allege that the public trust doctrine requires government entities to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and imp…
View the post titled Climate change a breach of public trust?Canada's last again on GHGs
Canada has yet to release its GHG numbers to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (or at least they aren’t yet posted on the UNFCCC site) despite a reporting deadline of April 15. We now have the dubious distinction of being the only Annex I (developed) country that hasn…
View the post titled Canada's last again on GHGsFracking and hazardous waste
Nova Scotia has followed Quebec, and has launched its own investigation into the potential environmental hazards of hydraulic fracturing to produce shale gas, especially the impacts on water. Meanwhile, the US EPA is anxious to formally start its own review. Its Science Advisory Board will …
View the post titled Fracking and hazardous wasteFlying rock a discharge?
The prosecutor asked the Court to trust the ministry not to prosecute in absurd and inappropriate circumstances.
View the post titled Flying rock a discharge?Congratulations to the new MPs
Well earned congratulations go to all three winners of yesterday’s federal election: the Harper Conservatives, who got their majority and may now succeed the Liberals as Canada’s “natural governing party”; the Layton NDP, who became the Official Opposition with a chan…
View the post titled Congratulations to the new MPsFracking, drinking water and regulation
Jessica Ernst has launched a multi million dollar lawsuit against Encana Corporation, the Alberta Energy Resources Conservation Board, and the Alberta government for contamination of her property and drinking water due to Encana’s fracking program. Encana fractures rock to extract coal…
View the post titled Fracking, drinking water and regulationMumbling about climate change
As you’ve probably noticed, no one is talking about climate change in the federal election. The Ontario government is keeping the issue pretty low key too. They quietly released both their annual GHG mitigation report as well as its climate change adaptation plan and strategy with no f…
View the post titled Mumbling about climate changeFixing our turbine
A thirty-storey crane is working this week, in ferocious weather, to put a new and better bearing on the ExPlace wind turbine, owned by the Windshare community power cooperative and Toronto Hydro. Each of those three blades is the size of the wing of a jumbo jet. Climbing the turbine is an a…
View the post titled Fixing our turbineApprovals reform: the new application
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment has published its draft requirements for complete applications for the new Environmental Compliance Approvals. These requirements are proposed to be the basis of a future regulation, which will set out generic requirements for all project types. A futu…
View the post titled Approvals reform: the new applicationReceive Blog Posts
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